forked from BartOtten with the additions of:
- Ignore .idea, .git and __MACOSX folders in addons' subfolders
- Ignore various files like .gitignore, .gitattributes
- Copy changelogs (& rename to version number), icons, fanarts to your repository
- Changed from deprecated md5 module to hashlib
- Compress zips with deflate method
In summary, it can do the following:
- Create a repository addon which users can install.
- Create the addons.xml and addon.xml.md5 files.
- ZIP-file your addons with version numbers.
- Copy changelogs and rename with version numbers.
- Copy icons & fanarts, if any.
Tested Python versions: 2.7.12+, 3.6.5
How to get started
- Download the master zip or clone the repo:
- Put your uncompressed addon directories in the root folder OR copy the _tools folder to your directory with uncompressed addons
- Edit _tools/config.ini
- The 'url' value in config.ini should be the address to directory at the server where you will place the 'output' directory. If your _tools folder is at, the url should be set at By default, the script will use addresses like:
- When using GitHub, please use the 'raw' location (eg.[username]/[repository]/)
- Run _tools/