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Andrew Carnes edited this page Apr 14, 2016 · 10 revisions


This is a BDT package written in C++ that currently depends upon ROOT, a particle physics data analysis package. It was designed to improve the momentum assignment in the CSCTF, a subsystem of a particle physics detector at the Large Hadron Collider.

To Do

  • Disentangle from ROOT: Need something to read/write XML besides ROOT. Make ROOT XML standalone and include it?
  • Also need to replace TMath, TRandom, etc to get rid of ROOT dependence
  • Parallelize the code
  • Change event data structure
  • Check to see if the BDT outperforms TMVA on the same dataset
  • Compare running times for training and evaluation to TMVA on the same dataset w/ different number of vars
  • Is it possible to speed up the training, besides parallelization?
  • Where does the large(?) memory usage come from? Not sure how this compares to other algorithms.
  • Write up some intro documentation about BDTs in general
  • Test the binary classification and huber loss functions for correctness
  • Integrate custom loss functions into TMVA
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