Purpose: To archive or scrape video from Dlive.tv.
Description: The tool downloads non-DRM ABR video files from CDNs based on the M3U8 playlist. It can combine all downloaded video *.ts files into a single specified *.ts file.
Python 3.x
Package: python-pycurl
Get an *.m3u8 playlist file from the streaming website. (example link)
wget -L https://url.com/playlist.m3u8
Import the streaming media assets from the playlist file into the database.
./stream.py -i playlist.m3u8
View imported streaming asset details in database. (-l as in list)
./stream.py -l
Download all streaming media assets from CDN and store locally in "video" folder. If any assets fail to download, just run the script again.
Combine all streaming media files into one video file. Specify the output filename.
./stream.py -s output.ts
Delete all downloaded files and assets from database.
./stream.py -d
Purge the database to start over.
./stream.py -p
Clear the database and remove all downloaded video files. (faster than -d option)
Transcode the combined stream file from TS to MP4 using Handbrake.