todos is a small command-line app which helps you to manage your todolist
Leiningen and Git is required
$ git clone $ cd todos $ lein uberjar
The new Jar-File is now in ./target as standalone
Download from
Start the app
$ java -jar todos-0.1.3-standalone.jar
and type help to get started.
+++++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++
+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +++
+ + + + + + + +
+ +++ ++++ +++ ++++
>> help
c r e a t e
create <str> - create a new todo on the current node
note <str> - create a note for current todolist
e x i t
exit - quit the app
h e l p
help - prints a detailed help
m a n i p u l a t e
done [<str>] - set todo (str or current) to done
rename <str> - rename the current todolist
undone [<str>] - reverse of done
n a v i g a t i o n
cd .. - navigate to the parent todo
cd <str> - navigate to todo with given name
first - navigate to the first todolist
last - navigate to the last todolist
nth <n> - navigate to todo with position of n (1..)
r e m e m b e r
go <str> - go to the remembered position
rem <str> - remember the current navigation
rem-ls - list the remembered todos
r e m o v e
remove <str> - remove todolist with the name of str
remove! - remove current todolist if its not root
rm-note <str> - remove the note with the content of str
s a v e
save - save the complete todolist
s h o w
ls - list the todos (on current navigation)
ls -a - list the todos recursively
ls -l - list the todos with id
plain - shows the raw data
Copyright © 2013 Adrian Enns
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.