Table of Contents
Two scripts to use subquentially for aligning low-resolution images ( and then high-resolution images to the low-resolution ones(
A final script is needed to upload images to catmaid ( which can be found in another repository (pyramid_make).
Additional useful scripts are present for use.
example inputs and outputs are also provided.
The scripts run on ImageJ.
This program can be directly installed from Git Hub (green Code button, top right).
Make sure to change into the downloaded directory, the code should resemble something like this.
cd Downloads/automating_before_catmaid
The script runs with ImageJ/Fiji=1.53. ImageJ can be downloaded via the link below:
The script can be opened by dragging it onto the ImageJ toolbar. You can also open via the File>Open.. tab for ImageJ.
Once the script is loaded, there is a 'Run' button on the bottom left. Pressing this button will prompt you with a menu of parameters to fill.
Before the test alignment phase, one can select the scale of the image to increase the speed of the test alignment (default scale is 0.2). When running through the test phase of alignment, one can manually rearrange the images to have the higher-resolution tile above a lower-resolution tile. Both scripts output processed and unprocessed final image stacks. realigns all images within a layer at an octave size of 600 using the user-defined model_index (refer below). This may lead to imperfect alignment.
Below you have the parameter menu given to you for and further below the explanation for each parameter.
Input directory
Output directory
project name
Invert images
using a Windows machine
script previously run (alignment parameter saved in file)
Elastic Alignment
Unorganized input
INPUT DIRECTORY, The directory with all the images to be aligned. If no SBEM info files are present with the images inte these folders, the image substacks are to be placed in sub directories. Image tiles are to be further placed in subsub directories. I.e., folder structure below.
+ +------/OV
+ +------/OV1
+ +------/ov1_1_.tif
+ +------/ov1_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/ov1_n_.tif
+ +------/OV2
+ +------/ov2_1_.tif
+ +------/ov2_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/ov2_n_.tif
+ +------/[...]
+ +------/OVn
+ +------/ovn_1_.tif
+ +------/ovn_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/ovn_n_.tif
OUTPUT DIRECTORY, an empty directory where output images will be placed.
PROJECT NAME, chosen name for your Trackem2 project.
INVERT IMAGES, specify whether you would like your images inverted.
OCTAVE_SIZE, maximum image size(px). The default should be 1000.
MODEL_INDEX, choice of alignment between translation, rigid, similarity and affine.
USING A WINDOWS MACHINE, specify whether you are using a Windows machine or not.
SCRIPT PREVIOUSLY RUN (alignment parameter saved in file), Select when rerunning script, i.e., when a previous run crashes before the end.
ELASTIC ALIGNMENT, (BETA) Specify whether you would like to elastically align the images.
UNORGANIZED INPUT, Specify whether you have SBEM info files present to correctly organize files for alignment.
ELASTIC ALIGNMENT, Specify whether you would like to elastically align the images.
UNORGANIZED INPUT, Specify whether you have SBEM info files present to correctly organize files for alignment.
Below you have the parameter menu given to you for and further below the explanation for each parameter.
low resolution directory
high resolution directory
Output directory
project name
Invert high resolution images
low resolution rescale factor
using a windows machine
script previously run (alignment parameter saved in file)
Elastic Alignment
Unorganized input
LOW RESOLUTION DIRECTORY, The directory with all the low-resolution images to be aligned. If no SBEM info files are present with the images in these folders, image substacks are to be placed in subdirectories. Image tiles are to be further placed in sub-sub directories. I.e., folder structure below.
+ +------/OV
+ +------/OV1
+ +------/ov1_1_.tif
+ +------/ov1_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/ov1_n_.tif
+ +------/OV2
+ +------/ov2_1_.tif
+ +------/ov2_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/ov2_n_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/OVn
+ +------/ovn_1_.tif
+ +------/ovn_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/ovn_n_.tif
HIGH RESOLUTION DIRECTORY, The directory with all the high-resolution images to be aligned. Image substacks are to be placed in subdirectories. If no SBEM info files are present with the images in these folders, image tiles are to be further placed in sub-sub directories.
+ +------/NO
+ +------/NO1
+ +------/NO1_tile1
+ +------/no1_tile1_1_.tif
+ +------/no1_tile1_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/no1_tile1_n_.tif
+ +------/NO1_tile2
+ +------/no1_tile2_1_.tif
+ +------/no1_tile2_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/no1_tile2_n_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/NO1_tilen
+ +------/no1_tilen_1_.tif
+ +------/no1_tilen_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/no1_tilen_n_.tif
+ +------/NO2
+ +------/NO2_tile1
+ +------/no2_tile1_1_.tif
+ +------/no2_tile1_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/no2_tile1_n_.tif
+ +------/NO2_tile2
+ +------/no2_tile2_1_.tif
+ +------/no2_tile2_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/no2_tile2_n_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/NO2_tilen
+ +------/non_tilen_1_.tif
+ +------/non_tilen_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/no2_tilen_n_.tif
+ +------/[...]
+ +------/NOn
+ +------/NOn_tile1
+ +------/non_tile1_1_.tif
+ +------/non_tile1_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/non_tile1_n_.tif
+ +------/NOn_tile2
+ +------/non_tile2_1_.tif
+ +------/non_tile2_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/non_tile2_n_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/NOn_tilen
+ +------/non_tilen_1_.tif
+ +------/non_tilen_2_.tif
+ +------[...]
+ +------/non_tilen_n_.tif
OUTPUT DIRECTORY, an empty directory where output images will be placed.
PROJECT NAME, chosen name for your Trackem2 project.
INVERT HR IMAGES, specify whether you would like your high resolution images inverted.
RESCALE OV FACTOR, specify the magnitude difference between high and low resolution images. Default is 4, where high resolution images are 4 times more magnified than low resolution.
OCTAVE_SIZE, maximum image size(px). Default should be 1000.
MODEL_INDEX, choice of alignment between translation, rigid, similarity and affine.
USING A WINDOWS MACHINE, specify whether you are using a windows machine or not.
SCRIPT PREVIOUSLY RUN (alignment parameter saved in file), Select when rerunning script, i.e., when a previous run crashes before the end.
ELASTIC ALIGNMENT, BETA Specify whether you would like to elastically align the images.
UNORGANIZED INPUT, Specify whether you have SBEM info files present to correctly organize files for alignment.
Below is an example of the inputs needed for the high-resolution script to get the outputs seen in the output folder.
low resolution directory: OV
high resolution directory: NO
Output directory: output
project name: NO_test
Invert high resolution images: √
low resolution rescale factor: 1
octave_size: 500
Model_index: translation
using a windows machine: unchecked (if not using windows)
script previously run (alignment parameter saved in file) unchecked
Elastic Alignment: unchecked
Unorganized input: unchecked