Git was built for version control. Also allows branches to be built (ie. developer branch, main functional branch)
- download git repository from github
- update to local version with latest version on github
- check out other versions
Find github repository of interest. In the top right should be a green button. Clicking on it, you will see writting 'clone' copy the https link below it.
Find a directory you intend to work in.
mkdir dung_track
cd dung_track
Then we will clone repository in this directory
git clone
#outputed should be something like
#Cloning into 'autotracker-deluxe'...
#remote: Enumerating objects: 101, done.
#remote: Counting objects: 100% (101/101), done.
#remote: Compressing objects: 100% (71/71), done.
#remote: Total 101 (delta 59), reused 58 (delta 26), pack-reused 0
#Receiving objects: 100% (101/101), 53.85 KiB | 2.07 MiB/s, done.
#Resolving deltas: 100% (59/59), done.
If all works correctly you should have the repository downloaded in your intended directory!
If you want to update your local version with a update version on github. the following code will allow this.(ensure you are in the correct directory (i.e., ))
git pull
If for some reason the newest version is not working for you but a older version is you can revert to a older version.
First you need to find which version. The following command will get the full history of previous versions.
git log
#i recommend if you want a simplified version
git log --oneline
#i.e., output
#0751ace (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Fix issue #12
#298da0d Fix issue #9
#49a195e Fixes issue #10
#dda71a1 Fix issue #7
#if you are stuck in log view
#pressing q will get you out
Then change to the version of interest. Each version has a id, so copy the from one of the versions and sue the following command
git checkout [version_id_of_interest]
git checkout 298da0d
#i.e., output
#Note: switching to '298da0d'.
#HEAD is now at 298da0d Fix issue #9
You can now the older code instead of the new one.
It is easy to switch back to the newest version on your local machine.
git checkout master
This will bring you back to the newest version.