A curated list of amazingly awesome repository created and contributed by Indonesian people.
Inspired by sindresorhus/awesome
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
- Android
- Books
- Content Management System
- Databases
- Framework
- Front-end Development
- Game
- JavaScript
- Jekyll Theme
- Learn
- Pentest
- Plugin
- Python
- Natural Language Processing
- Miscellaneous
- Community
- Android StepsView - A simple progress steps view on Android.
- WhatsApp ProfileCollapsingToolbar - An Android custom animation view that looks like WhastApp Profile screen style.
- Ziliun React Native - Ziliun article reader android app built with React Native.
- React Tomato Timer - A simple timer for a more productive way to work and study built with ReactJS.
- Free Programming Books Indonesia - Freely available programming books with Indonesia Language.
- Buku Git - Buku Version Control menggunakan Git.
- Lentera - Learning Management from Nusantara.
- Pusaka CMS - File-based CMS build with CodeIgniter Framework.
- Elybin CMS - Sistem manajemen konten gratis yang berfokus kepada kegunaan, kecepatan, dan kemudahan.
- Fiyo CMS - CMS Open Source with Easy Design, Fast Load, and SEO Friendly.
- Wayang CMS - Wayang CMS is Open Source CMS made in Indonesia.
- HTMLy - HTMLy is an Databaseless or Flat-File Blogging Platform prioritizes simplicity and speed written in PHP.
- PopojiCMS - Buat Sendiri Rasa Webmu.
- Wilayah Administratif Indonesia - Data Provinsi, Kota/Kabupaten, Kecamatan, dan Kelurahan/Desa di Indonesia.
- Panada - High performance PHP development framework, yet simple.
- Puko - MVC Framework for quick and fast PHP Application Development.
- IGOS Nusantara Software Development Kit - A software development kit designed specifically for application developers in IGOS Nusantara.
- Bootstrap Markdown - Bootstrap plugin for markdown editing.
- Marka - Beautiful transformable icons built for the web.
- Waves - Click effect inspired by Google's Material Design.
- React Komik - ReactJS based comic strip creator using fabric.js canvas rendering.
- Word Chain - Multiplayer word chaining game using AngularJS and firebase.
- PhantomJS - Scriptable Headless WebKit.
- jQuery Calx - jQuery plugin for creating formula-based calculation.
- JVFloat.js - jQuery / Zepto plugin to emulate Matt D. Smith's floating placeholder text.
- Meteoris2 - Realtime Javascript Boilerplate base on MeteorJS Framework.
- SimpleExcel.js - Client-side script to easily parse / convert / write any Microsoft Excel.
- UAParser.js - Lightweight JavaScript-based User-Agent string parser.
- Express4 Bootstrap Starter - Lightweight Bootstrap NodeJS Apps Build Using ExpressJS 4.
- jQuery Awesome Sosmed Share Button - Awesome social media button with share count.
- Kinetic - Kinetic Scrolling with JavaScript.
- Esprima - ECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis.
- PHUNT - Product Hunt Command Line Client.
- JekMDL - Jekyll theme use Material Design Lite.
- Mangan - Geek theme for Jekyll.
- Jekyll Material - Material Design interfaces for Jekyll.
- Awesome CodeIgniter - A list of awesome CodeIgniter.
- Belajar Git - Tutorial Git dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
- Awesome Indonesia Repo - A curated list of amazingly awesome repository created by Indonesian people.
- Engineering Blogs - A curated list of engineering blog of startup and enterprise company.
- Ruby Basic - Learning material for Ruby Programming Language, written in Bahasa Indonesia.
- Who Wrote This Sh*t - Simple demonstration forensic linguistics program analysing a document.
- PHP-BOOTSTRAP - Simple design templates framework together with the famous bootstrap.
- Simple PHP Excel - Easily parse / convert / write any Microsoft Excel.
- Membership PHP Indonesia - Membership Application for PHP Indonesia.
- playCMS - Web-based Mobile Portal System that it can be made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway.
- Gas ORM - A lighweight and easy-to-use ORM for CodeIgniter.
- SunQA - Simple App Question Answer like Stackoverflow.
- Avatar - Plug and play avatar, turn initial name into beautiful avatar.
- Pingpong Admin - Laravel 5 Admin.
- Absis - Sistem Akademik K13/KTSP Berbasis Web.
- AppRocket PreProject - Contoh aplikasi CRUD dengan Laravel 5.2.
- Slim Starter - Starter Application built on Slim Framework in MVC (and HMVC) environment.
- [Boilerplate Slim 3] (https://github.com/zhiephie/boilerplate-slim3) - Boilerplate for getting started with Slim Framework.
- Yii2 Admin - Auth manager for Yii2 (RBAC Manager).
- WP Slack - This plugin allows you to send notifications to Slack channels when certain events in WordPress occur.
- Auto Complete Python - Jedi based Python autocomplete for Atom.
- Sastrawi - High quality stemmer library for Indonesian Language.
- SentiStrengthID - Sentiment Strength Detection in Bahasa Indonesia.
- Mac OSX Lion Theme - (Web) Static site theme with Mac OSX Lion style.
- Indonesian AdBlock Rules - Compiled ABP rules to block various ads in Indonesian based site.
- Komunitas Git Indonesia
- PHP Indonesia
- CodeIgniter Indonesia
- Laravel Indonesia
- Id-Laravel
- Symfonian Indonesia
- Komunitas Pengguna Go Indonesia
- Python Indonesia
- Jakarta JavaScript User Group
- React JS Indonesia
- Nginx Indonesia
- Asosiasi Programmer Indonesia
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.