Arduino based PS2 mouse to Amiga adapter
The code in this version is configured to connect to an Arduino as follows:
- PS2 MOUSE_DATA -> Arduino D11
- PS2 MOUSE_CLOCK -> Arduino D10
- Amiga MOUSE_X0 -> Arduino D2
- Amiga MOUSE_X1 -> Arduino D3
- Amiga MOUSE_Y0 -> Arduino D4
- Amiga MOUSE_Y1 -> Arduino D5
- Amiga L_BUTTON -> Arduino D6
- Amiga R_BUTTON -> Arduino D7
- Amiga M_BUTTON -> Arduino D8
The configuration can easily be changed to someone elses liking, the definitions are towards the top of the file.
Here is a sample implementation based on the Arduino Nano. On the left you can see the cannibalized 9 pin to Amiga cable. It is a regular joystick cable with all 9 pins passed through.
The silver box on the right is the PS2 mouse port.
In this picture you can see the Arduino Nano I used for my implementation.