An Elixir/Phoenix App for live-reloading tests.
##Getting Started
This repository includes a Dockerfile to get the working example up and running quickly. To start:
- Install Docker
- Clone this repository
- Build the docker image: docker build -t "inferno" .
- Run the docker image: docker run -t -i "inferno" /bin/bash
- Install Phoenix
- Learn how websockets work in Elixir & Phoenix
- ...
- profit?
- create json reporters for rspec, cucumber, and jasmine ?
##The backstory:
What really got me interested in this whole idea:
Running Rspec Tests From the Browser
This is a livereload implementation of Rspec tests using jstest, faye-websocket, and split (?)
Which is cool & all, but I saw websockets and my mind went: hey! Rails 5 is bringing in the websockets, is that go for launch yet? And so I googled it, and it looks like there's a websocket-rails gem, but no actual rails implementation yet, so as I read about it, I found that Rails was being informed/inspired by some other frameworks that use websockets, including Elixir/Phoenix, a rails-like mvc framework written in Elixir). So I thought, cool! New frameworks. Yay.
Elixir looks a lot like Ruby, too, which is super helpful for getting going. Only there's actual info about what data structures they chose for things like [] and {}, which is neat. So! That's where it all began.