ASOS is a fashion brand for the newest & trending Cloths, fashion accessories and online shop that offered high quality products at an affordable price. We have built the exact website clone as it is on the original website.
- The Women Landing page,Men Landing Page,Footer are designed & functioned by Mahesh.
- Login and Signup page using MongoDB are designed & functioned by Sudipta.
- Navbar,All Product pages and Checkout page,Google Pay section are designed & functioned by Amol .
- Product Detail page are designed by Rohit.
- Cart page,Backend Or Backend API are designed by Abhishek.
- MenPage /WomenPage
- Product Listing Page with all necessary data
- Product Description Page
- Cart Management Page
- Checkout with Address Management Page
- Login / Logout Page
- Signup Page
- Order Summary Page
- G-pay page
- Wishlist Page
- Login and Signup user with realtime DataBase(mongodb)
- User can see only it's activity.
- JWT (Json Web Token) Authentication and BcryptJS Password Hashing
- User can store item in cart
- Cart Add and Remove Items
- Cart Update Quantities /Size
- User can Store item in wishlist
- Add item in cart from wishlist
- Address Management
- Order Summary
- G-pay Payment Gateway
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