A pop0pop1
vcftools --vcf file.vcf
--weir-fst-pop pop0.list --weir-fst-pop pop1.list
--out ./pop0pop1 > fst.outA &
B pop0pop2
vcftools --vcf file.vcf
--weir-fst-pop pop0.list --weir-fst-pop pop2.list
--out ./pop0pop2 > fst.outB &
C pop1pop2
vcftools --vcf file.vcf
--weir-fst-pop pop1.list --weir-fst-pop pop2.list
--out ./pop1pop2 > fst.outC &
paste -d "\t" pop0pop1.weir.fst pop0pop2.weir.fst pop1pop2.weir.fst | cut -f1-3,6,9 > pop012.fst
grep -v "nan" pop012.fst> pop012pbs
- titleOfPlot - name displayed in the Manhattan plot
- pop0 - name of population 0
- pop1 - name of population 1
- pop2 - name of population 2
- outquantile - quantile of outliers to be written into a file (possibly to annotate)
- color - color in the plot to alternate with gray
- pop012pbs - file with fst values generated by following steps above
- name - name for output table with all pbs values per site
Rscript PBSfromvcftools.R titleOfPlot pop0 pop1 pop2 outquantile color pop012pbs name