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This repo contains dotfiles for a development environment setup, including Vim and tmux configurations. It includes a utility (dfm) to help with managing and updating your dotfiles.

Using this repo

If you just want to use the dotfiles...

$ cd ~
$ git clone .dotfiles
$ ./.dotfiles/bin/dfm install  # Creates symlinks to install files. Shell restart required.

If you want to make changes...

First, fork this repo.

Then, add your dotfiles:

$ cd ~
$ git clone [email protected]:username/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
$ cd .dotfiles
$  # edit files
$  # edit files
$ git push origin master

Finally, to install your dotfiles onto a new system:

$ cd ~
$ git clone [email protected]:username/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
$ ./.dotfiles/bin/dfm install  # Creates symlinks to install files. Shell restart required.

Full documentation

For more information, check out the wiki.

You can also run

~/.dotfiles/bin/dfm --help

Resources for Vim

  • To get Vim running properly, you must have first installed my dotfiles (or at least the Vim-related files) and run the dfm install command. (On first install, shell restart is required.)
$ ~/.dotfiles/bin/dfm install
  • You also must be running Vim 7.4.x or greater to allow the 2nd user vimrc location to be set by default (to ~/.vim/vimrc). On OS X / macOS, this can be done with homebrew:
$ brew install vim
  • For vim-airline to correctly display symbols in the lower status bar, you will need to install a patched font. There are many choices in powerline's fonts folder. However, I prefer Menlo (which is the default font in Atom and isn't in powerline's folder), so I used the patched version here. Navigate to the font in Finder, double click on it, and install it.
  • Once installed, you must change your Terminal or iTerm2 profile font settings to use it.
  • For the Solarized theme to work best in iTerm2, download the iTerm2 color settings and load them in iTerm2 (in OS X / macOS, just double-click the itermcolors file). Note that once it is loaded, you must then select it in your Profile's 'Colors' tab.
  • Plugins are managed with vim-plug; launch Vim and type :PlugInstall to install the plugins.
  • For ALE to perform syntax checks, install the following (using npm):
    • JavaScript, JSX, React: eslint, babel-eslint, and eslint-plugin-react
    • Sass: sass-lint
    • HTML: htmlhint
$ sudo npm install -g eslint babel-eslint eslint-plugin-react sass-lint htmlhint
  • An important tip for making both Vim and tmux possible to use easily: remap your caps lock key to control.

Resources for tmux

  • For tmux to work as configured in these dotfiles, you will need to install tmux and, if you are on OS X / macOS, also reattach-to-user-namespace (only use --with-wrap-pbcopy-and-pbpaste flag for macOS).
$ brew install tmux reattach-to-user-namespace --with-wrap-pbcopy-and-pbpaste
  • Then, you'll need to install the tmux plugin manager.
$ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
  • I have configured the tmux prefix to be Ctrl+s. The first time you fire up tmux, use prefix + I to install the plugins. This will enable the session saving. If you activate session saving in Vim using :Obsession, the tmux restoration process will reopen Vim using the Session.vim present in the working directory, if it exists.

Configuring italics in iTerm2

These dotfiles include support of italics in iTerm2, but you will need to adjust iTerm2's settings to get it working.

  • For the Profile in question, go to the 'Text' tab and select the 'Use different font for non-ASCII text'; select your powerline font for this. For the normal Font, select a standard mono-spaced font that has support of italics (e.g., Menlo).
  • Next, in that same Profile's 'Terminal' tab, modify the 'Report Terminal Type' field to be xterm-256color-italic (note you can just type into this box, it is not purely a dropdown).


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  • Vim Script 83.4%
  • Shell 8.0%
  • Perl 7.5%
  • Vim Snippet 1.1%