This Chrome extension allows you to automate the process of generating a report of your grades on the ASU UMS website.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
Navigate to the Chrome Extension Manager.
Enable Developer Mode.
Click on "Load unpacked" and select the repository folder.
Sign in to ASU UMS and navigate to the "StudentGrades" section.
Click on the extension icon in the Chrome toolbar.
Click on "Clear" to reset the extension.
Navigate through each semester (first semester to the final semester).
For each semester, click on "Add Courses" to add courses information.
After reaching the final semester, click on "Generate Report" to compile the information.
View the generated report and save it as needed.
This extension is provided for educational purposes and may not work with future changes to the ASU UMS website. Use it at your own risk.
Feel free to contribute by opening issues or submitting pull requests.
Thanks to @abdullahs for the report template & add sorting function.
Thanks to @Abdo-Hamdi for submitting issues.
Thanks to @me for implement the new template.
Thanks to yusuf salah for the design for the new template.