This backend service integrate with Chuck Norris API and the Star Wars API to;
- Fetch All Jokes Categories
- Fetch All Star Wars People
- Search for jokes and People.
- Java 17 - Language
- Spring Boot 2.7.0 - Server side framework
- Maven - Build tool
- Docker - Containerizing framework
- Swagger - API documentation
- JUnit,Hamcrest - Unit testing
- Cloud Platform - Heroku
- CI / CD - Github Actions
Frontend App:
Swagger API documentation:
Use the below command to build and run the application:
mvn clean package
then run
mvn spring-boot:run
The application would start on port 8080
Install Docker desktop and run this command to build image
docker build -t zatec-backend-service .
and run container with
docker container run -d -p 8080:8080 zatec-backend-service
Actuator endpoint expose the following operation:
/metrics Shows “metrics” information for the current application.
/health Shows application health information.
/info Displays arbitrary application info.
All the actuator endpoints is available via http://localhost:8080/actuator.
MIT license @ Ahmed Kabiru