Releases: ajay9634/EXAGEAR-XEGW
ED 6.0 Lite Apk obb
- bugs fixed
- almost all cmd or bat files are fixed
- added llvmpipe Renderer
- added new env in Extra launching arguments
- added necessary fonts and fonts registry
(Now you can play Many games like - kohan 2 in wine 4 etc) - Different files download by bat or cmd from GitHub
- Renderer Setup according to Device
- Updated Ajay prefix registry (save game data to drive D by Ajay prefix)
- added many necessary files
- updated first time installation setup
- added wine 4 dlls install options for wine 6+
- added ddraw and other 3d test
- added dgvoodoo and dxwrapper wrapper (install it after installing any wined3d or dxvk)
- added dxnt components
- removed Unnecessary Turnip
( Note - Update scripts from the start menu for latest files and Fixes . make sure you are connected to internet.)
Check scripts changelog here
ED 5.7 +xegw 2.2
- added F10taskmgr as enabled default and added f3winefile
- added turnip 29-02-24 a7xx(fast)(note-a6xx users can also use a7xx turnip)
- removed some extra dxvk and files(now you can see which d3d is currently installed)
- added "tu debug=noconform" env but disabled as default
- updated ED 4.9 no dri3.apk by EDPATCH (useful for mali,Exynos)
- enabled fps hud and dxvk hud as default
- "boost on" as default (now no need to click on this)
- added wine-8.21(this is last version supported in exagear)
obb new changelog(03/03/24)
- added dxdiag 3d test (you can test ddraw,dx7,dx8,dx9)
- added old version of winemenubuilder , now wine8.2 can create game desktop with game icon manually without freezing issue (it didn't work for wine 8.21)
- added directx-9-0c(but all in one pack is directx+vc)
(Note- use wine 4 and wine 8.2, wine 8.21 is experimental and last supported wine for now)(I think I added all required files so no update soon for obb)
ED 5.8 Lite Apk obb (experimental)
Apk - same as 5.7,only ED 5.8 x11 is updated
Obb final Changelog- (7/06/2024)
- added auto setup features to backup original dlls and installation of some direct X dlls, vc redist (improve compatibility),openal and dsoal sound
- fixed export bat and added auto sync option , current set is auto sync off
- added dxvk update feature
- added some environment and renamed renderer in container settings.
- set ib.exe default core to 0,1
- added mpc 1-7.5 with in-built codecs
- fixed current dsound option
- added more options for registry
- added wined3d 8.3 and wined3d 8.11 staging
- bug fixed
note - 3d test may lag for dxvk but no affect in games. Disable wsi env for better fps in dxvk.
π₯Installation video -
Old update...
- Removed some unnecessary libs from base cache of ED 5.7
- Removed some extra files from opt folder (codec, PhysX etc)
- Removed extra Renderers (now only virGl in built, virGl overlay v4 and T+Z renderer)
- removed some wine (now only wine 4 and wine 8.2)
- added latest virGl in-built and latest turnip for a6xx and a7xx
- added cnc draw and other d draw
- added dxvk-gplasync-v2.3.1-1
- added "Delete Turnip" and "Delete Zink, virGl" option
Changelog (03/04/2024)
- added missing lib (now gecko working)
- added latest turnip Zink 29/03/2024
- re arranged Start menu
- removed F10 taskmgr and f3winefile because taskmgr feature is coming to apk
Changelog (04/05/2024)
- added display cpl from react os (now you can change wallpaper by control panel/display)
- added latest virGl in-built renderer
- added dxvk fps cap 30,60,120 and wsi present and other env
ED 5.9 Lite Apk obb (experimental)
Changelog -
Hotfix3 update
- deleted unusual reg that was preventing to delete the wine 4 container
- Ajay2csmt3 prefix as default
- fixed csmt registry for wine 4
- updated some bat files
- updated latest renderer shortcut
Old Changelog-
- added Turnip zink 28/07/24
- added Virgl inbuilt 20/10/24
- added old wined3d from EGW_302(xhyn)
- added latest dxvk
- added wmdecoder (untested) and MPC codec
- added old vc redist and vbrun60sp6
- separated xaudio from DirectX+Vc
- added more dsound dlls
- added dosbox , nglide, flash player
- updated fitst time installation.bat
- added Ajay prefix option which can save game data to drive D (need wine 6+)
- fixed default env for dxvk
- added some reg
- bug fixed
(Note - virgl inbuilt 20/10/24 is the latest version)
Exagear-X11 xegw apk
Exagear x11 apk (Experimental and unstable)
(This apk is modified by Elder DevLost and Ajay.
Original apk from akabery and xegw patch and modifications by Elder DevLost.)
What is special in this apk?
It's the only apk in which in-built pulse audio and online wine installation worked for me.
It's supported to any cache with dri3 features.
This Exagear package name is - com.eltechs.ed
(Note -Set resolution in every container, now cpu core is fixed)
π₯ Update on 08/02/2024
- removed Extra useless Main menu and Container settings
- updated Help
π₯ Update on 23/04/2024 by elder DevLost
- updated Renderer settings
- updated virGl overlay settings
- restored auto rotation
ED 5.6 +xegw 2.2
- added direct input files to direct x archive from allmod cache
- updated dmusic , dshow and dplay files and separate Installation registry
- added latest turnip turnip_29.12.23_dri3_patch_v_a7xx(a644) from alexvorxx GitHub
- updated and fixed 'ajay2,csmt3' prefix and renamed other prefix
- updated apk to latest EDPatch 1.0.2
- added core 7 desktop for all renderers