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Gear to make Surgical Masks smarter helping save several lives.

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Jun 5, 2020
3d3cbc2 · Jun 5, 2020


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Surgical Glass

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Gear to make Surgical Masks smarter helping save several lives.


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What it does

  1. Displays vitals of patients in the ICUs so the doctor doesn't have to keep looking up while operating to check the vitals while also being able to see the patient and do his work without any disturbance.
  2. If a doctor speaks something, all the nurses get the information spoken on their screen glasses as a summarised text full of key words.
  3. Display memo before operation on doctor app.
  4. Display summary of important things spoken throughout the operation.

Its advantage

Thousands of lives are lost every year because of time wasted during surgeries. We believe every second counts and hence help save this time.

Target audience

Surgeons, doctors and nurses.

Industry reviews

We tried asking a few contacts who are acting surgeons for their take on our idea and we received a positive overall response.

Tech stack

  1. Web Development (HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, JS, Python [Django]).
  2. IoT and Physics.
  3. Microsoft Azure.
  4. Flutter.
  5. Heroku.
  6. GoNative.


GitHub top language

The source code of this project is written in Flask, HTML/CSS/JS, AWS. So, you need to install dependencies to run this project. Since this is a hardware project you will also need the necessary hardware.


1) git clone
2) cd SurgicalGlas
3) python3 <file-name>.py

What's next

We intend to add more features suggested by industry professionals to help improve the Glass once the product is launched.

Need help?

Feel free to contact me via Facebook.

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MIT © Akshat Gupta

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