A simple filesystem interface in Go
The filesystem package provides a unified interface to a real backed filesystem. An example use case for this might be a server that wants to provide CRUD access to a filesystem.
Here's an example of how you might use this package.
The first step is to create a Filesystemer object based on the absolute filesystem path you want to represent (using a provided constructor):
fs := NewPassThroughFilesystem('/my/abs/path', false)
At this point, all interaction with the Filesystemer should be relative to the root path. For example, to check if /my/abs/path/lower/dir exists, you'd do something like:
fs.PathExists('lower/dir') // false
If it did not exist, and you wanted to make a director there, you could do:
If you wanted to then make a file in this path, you might do:
fileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile('/tmp/roflcopter.jpeg')
fs.MkFile('lower/dir/roflcopter.jpeg', fileBytes)
Then to retrieve the file, you'd do:
myFiler, err := fs.GetFile('lower/dir/roflcopter.jpeg')
To remove the newly created file, this would work:
// Alternatively, recursively delete the whole directory
// fs.RmPath('lower')