Welcome to Alchemy! This is a collection of class projects, from 2019 to present.
Each cohort completes several team assessment projects by the time they graduate. Since March 2020, all teams have collaborated remotely.
Below is an overview of the apps that our students have presented, the team contributors, and contact information.
For each project section, you will find information on:
The section of the program when the application was created.
A high-level overview of the learning objectives in that section of the program.
Each application made during the project sprint, including the following:
- Name and description of the app, complete with languages, libraries, and packages used.
- Links to:
- Repo(s)
- Deployed site
- Video presentation (if applicable)
Contributing team members with links to their:
- Portfolio site (if applicable)
- Github
While we try to keep the most up to date with project links and contact information, some projects or links may be deprecated or outdated.
Thank you for checking us out. We hope you enjoy seeing the projects and accomplishments of Alchemy students!
If you have questions about the program or want to talk about hiring one of our grads, please reach out to [email protected]!