A norminette - Ruby flavor.
Rubynette is a Norm checker, which operates on C source files, C headers, all kinds of binairies as well as Makefiles.
To install Rubynette:
Clone this repository in your home
$> cd ~ $> git clone https://github.com/Nax/rubynette.git
Make a symbolic link to the rubynette files in your ~/bin (if it doesn't exist yet you should create your bin folder).
$> ln -s ~/rubynette/rubynette $> ln -s ~/rubynette/rubynette.rb
Add the path to your ~/.myzshrc (or ~/.bash_profile).
export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
Reload your shell
$> source ~/.myzshrc
$> rubynette [file1] [file2] [file3] ...
$> rubynette *.c
$> rubynette *.h
##Update To update the rubynette just go to your ~/rubynette and pull the master branch
$> cd ~/rubynette
$> git fetch
$> git pull origin master
##License Rubynette is available under the GNU General Public License, version 3.