#30DayMapChallenge on Twitter - 2022 experiments
Do not use in production :D
clone the Project -
git clone https://github.com/alexaac/map-challenges-2022.git
open the project folder -
cd map-challenges-2022
Serve html using a server or simply open the index.html file
update node to 16 if older version -
nvm use 16
install a simple static http server -
npm install http-server
start the project on localhost:8077 -
http-server -a localhost -p 8077 -o --cors
Create a map each day of the month and publish it on Twitter using the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge.
30DayMapChallenge is a map challenge launched by Topi Tjukanov on Twitter in 2019.
here and here are the themes for November 2022.