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Global Format - HTML

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Opinionated general formatter for your Angular, Vue, Svelte or pure HTML5 templates. Try it on the playground


  • Indentation based primary on node-level + tag length, not content.
  • Can parse Angular, Vue or HTML5 templates.
  • Formats embedded content with prettier with respect to your local settings.
  • Doesn't change the behaviour of your attributes and tags.
  • Remove all superfluous white-space. There are two additional rules:
    • Collapses multiple blank lines into a single blank line.
    • Empty lines at the start and end of blocks are removed. (Files always end with a single newline, though.)
  • Enforce consistent output of your HTML.
  • Follows the same option philosophy as prettier.

Framework specific features

Feature Framework
HTML5 all
Self-closing custom elements vue
Self-closing none void elements vue
Case-sensitive attributes angular
Case-sensitive elements angular


Ignore element

Adding this flag before a tag will preserve from whitespace and/or attribute wrapping.

  1. Preserve from indentation, whitespace and attribute wrapping
  1. Preserve only from whitespace processing. This excludes indentation.
<h1> foo </h1>
  1. Preserve only from attribute wrapping
<h1 foo="bar" ...> foo </h1>


# regular
$ npm install gformat-html --global

# when using proxy like sinopia/verdaccio
$ npm install gformat-html --global --registry=


This will process recursively all HTML files in the current directory.

$ gformat-html example.html "./**/*.html"


$ gformat-html --help

Pre-Commit hook integration

We provide a simple package called gformat-html-git-patch which is able to format only changed files. This example use husky to manage git hooks in the package.json

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "precommit": "gformat-html-git-patch --staged"


gformathtml(doc: string, options?): vFile

Formats a string and returns a vFile. The method can throw e.g when a parsing error was produced. The error is from type vfile-message.


The space width of your indentation level (default: 2)


Use tabs instead spaces for indentation (default: false)


Use different maximum line length (default: 80)


Use prettier for embedded content (default: true)


Use custom prettier settings for embedded content (default: local config)


Use single quote instead double quotes (default: false)


Force to wrap attributes (when it has multiple, default: false)


Sort attributes alphabetically (default: false)

Editor support


Prettier has landed HTML support some days ago. This is awesome and will help many people to reduce the headache of correct formatting in teams. The reason why I created this formatter is to allow everyone to define their styles rules without imposing any style rules.

  • It is very easy to maintain because we have a specification and an ecosystem (and @vfile, @syntax-tree) of plugins.
  • It should be able to format any superset of HTML as long it is parseable with minor tweaks. We use a modified version of the Angular 6 template parser. There is no need to maintain multiple parser.
  • gformat-html doesn't try to understand all Javascript frameworks in depth even when it means that the user has to update some places manually.


This is a fork from the awesome prettyhtml library created by @starptech.

Big thanks to the creators of the excellent rehype and unified ecosystem.