Bootstrap Tools for Rails 3, Generate Layouts and CRUDs, Helpers and more...
Include Bootstrap in Gemfile;
gem "railstrap"
or you can install from latest build;
gem 'railstrap', :git => 'git://'
You can run bundle from command line
bundle install
rails generate railstrap:layout [LAYOUT_NAME] [options]
[--no-assets] # Use this option if you want to generate only the Layout File
[--layout-type=LAYOUT_TYPE] # Layout type, admin or sign
# Default: admin
[--app-name=APP_NAME] # Specify the application name # Default: Railstrap Painel
[--no-layout] # Use this option if you want to generate only stylesheets
rails generate railstrap:crud NAME MODEL_NAME [options]
[--no-controller] # Sem controller
[--no-views] # Sem Views
[--kaminari] # Specify if you use Kaminari
[--themed-type=THEMED_TYPE] # Specify the themed type: crud, list or show. Default is crud
- Scaffold Gererator on Bootstrap Style
- Use SimpleForm for CRUD generator on Bootstrap Style
- Use Kaminari for Pagination on Bootstrap Style
- Compatible with Rails 3.2
- Released gem v.0.0.1
- Writing tests (not implemented yet)
- Markup Helpers for Twitter Bootstrap like: (alert, tabs, pagination, breadcrumbs etc.)
- Layout for Admin Layout (WORKING ON)
- Helpers and Generators Compatibles with NAMESPACES on Rails(WORKING ON)
Allan Freitas - allanfreitasci [at] gmail com
Twitter Bootstrap and all Railstrap contributors
Copyright © 2012 Allan Freitas. See MIT-LICENSE for more details.