- 🔭 I’m a C++ / Rust Senior Software Engineer with 16 years of experience. I am passionate about database internals.
- 🐬 I have vast experience with MySQL, from managing (DBA) to internals development. Some of my work has been incorporated as part of MySQL.
- 💻 I work at @readysettech, where I am contributing to the development of Readyset, an innovative caching solution for MySQL and PostgreSQL.
- 👯 Previously, I have been working on developing Percona Xtrabackup, improving the backup of MySQL / Percona Server databases;
- MySQL now reports 3 decimal places for milliseconds
- Tracing Large Memory Allocations in Rust with BPFtrace
- Migrating From RDS MySQL 5.7 to RDS MySQL 8.0 Using Blue/Green Deployment and Readyset
- MySQL GTID Tags — What you need to know
- GDB Advanced Techniques: Expanding GDB Functionality with Custom Function Execution
- MySQL Query Cache with ReadySet
- Faster Streaming Backups – Introducing Percona XtraBackup FIFO Parallel Stream
- Percona XtraBackup Now Supports IAM Instance Profile
- Making Your MySQL Backup Process up to 17X Faster – Introducing Percona XtraBackup Smart Memory Estimation
- Readyset - A new era for MySQL caching - MySQL Belgium Days 2024 Slides Recording
- Xtrabackup From Zero to Hero - Percona Live Denver 2023
- Percona Xtrabackup: What’s new, Cloud Backups and Migrations - Percona Live Denver 2023
- Troubleshooting MySQL from a MySQL Developer Perspective - Percona Live Texas 2022
- Percona Xtrabackup New Features and Improvements - Percona Live Texas 2022
- GDB & Bug Analyzes (Portuguese) - MySQL Brazil Virtual Meetup - 2021