Micronaut JAX-RS adds the ability to use common JAX-RS types and annotations to a Micronaut application.
This project is not an implementation of the JAX-RS specification and is designed to allow users familiar with the JAX-RS API to use the most common parts of the API within the context of a Micronaut application.
See the Documentation for more information.
See the Snapshot Documentation for the current development docs.
Snaphots are automatically published to JFrog OSS using Github Actions.
See the documentation in the Micronaut Docs for how to configure your build to use snapshots.
Releases are published to JCenter and Maven Central via Github Actions.
A release is performed with the following steps:
- Edit the version specified by
to a semantic, unreleased version. Example1.0.0
- Create a new release. The Git Tag should start with
. For examplev1.0.0
. - Monitor the Workflow to check it passed successfully.
- Celebrate!