A react component that gets and show youtube videos using voice commands. It was created as an Addon for alya-smart-mirror for showing youtube videos and play the chosen video in the mirror.
First configure asm-youtube-addon-skill and follow the steps there.Then you can just import it as react component and use it.
- Note : for using it as a react component in a different project than alya-smart-mirror you have to create a folder called 'certs' in the main directory and copy the certs you get from AWSIot.
npm install asm-youtube-addon --save
import ASMYoutubeModlue from 'asm-youtube-addon'
render(<ASMYoutubeModlue/>, document.getElementById('root').appendChild(document.createElement("div")));
To run the component as an electron react component:
yarn dev
yarn build
yarn clean
yarn test
npm publish
- Directory path will always resolve relative to the electron.js file. A workaround is to use path.resolve. Example below:
const path = window.require('path')
// I search for a file inside src/component/utils/certs , then use below code:
const certsFolderPath = path.resolve('src/component/utils/certs');
console.log(certsFolderPath) // /Users/xxxxx/alya/asm-date-time/src/component/utils/certs
- To require an npm module from a react component, do like:
const path = window.require('path')