Allow to filter torrent files based on content of the files 'inside' torrent:
- Size
- Number
- availability of directories
ls *.torrent|torrent_filter [-q] [-D] [-N X] [-S Y]|read_torrents_files_from_stdin_and_use_them
It read torrent files list from stdin, check evry file for criteria:
- It is valid torrent file (always)
- It is has no directories (-D option)
- It contains less then X files (-N option)
- Summary size of all files is less then Y (-S option)
For the -S option postfixes can be used: K, M, G, T (counted as power of 1024) or kb,mb,gb,tb (counted as power of 1000).
Passed checking files are printed to stdout, all not passed - to stderr (or skipped if -q is used)
Bad guys posing huge files (sometimes over 100GB) in their torrent-rss feeds. This eats my HDD space very fast and i'm annyed enough to write this utility to save trees hard drives.