The goal of dpi
is to provide a programmatic interface to data
products built within Data-as-a-Product framework
For released version
For dev version
remotes::install_github("amashadihossein/dpi", ref = "dev")
# Add your AWS profile name. If you don't have a named profile, you can provide your AWS credentials
aws_creds <- creds_set_aws(
key = Sys.getenv("AWS_KEY"),
secret = Sys.getenv("AWS_SECRET")
# Get the list of board parameters
board_params <- board_params_set_s3(
bucket_name = "bucket_name",
region = "specific_region" # e.g. "us-east-1"
# Connect to the board
board_object <- dp_connect(board_params = board_params, creds = aws_creds)
# List what's available on the board
dp_list(board_object = board_object)
# Retrieve the latest data. Alternatively retrieve specific version by passing
# the version id to dp_get
board_object = board_object,
data_name = "dp-studyid_branchid",
version = "specific_version" # e.g. "c5a51c3"