released this
29 Jul 09:34
81 commits
to master
since this release
This release consists of the following set of features:
- Command-line free fork-first workflow, using GitHub.com to create, customize and post to your blog
- Fully responsive and mobile optimized base theme
- Sass/Coffeescript support using Jekyll 2.0
- Free hosting on your GitHub Pages user site
- All the SEO goodies comes in-built
- Markdown blogging
- Elegant typography
- Futura PT fonts (The same fonts which has been used on https://pixar.com)
- Syntax highlighting using Pygments
- Dracula syntax theme included
- Disqus commenting
- Google Analytics integration
- Fuzzy search across blog posts
- Pagination of posts works out-of-the-box.
- Categorize posts out-of-the box
- RSS Feed
- In-built sitemap