A sprint release candidate for sprint 12.
What's Changed
- Delete Deliverables/sprint-11 by @dancingsushii in #388
- Deliverables, demo video for sprint-11 by @dancingsushii in #389
- Deliverables, demo video for sprint-11 by @dancingsushii in #390
- Frontend - Map markers update by @Corgam in #394
- Frontend - Map markers update by @Corgam in #395
- Shape importer now also imports Attributes by @Corgam in #396
- fix error by @Superschnizel in #398
- Dataset handler extension by @Superschnizel in #399
- fix the encoding of values read from Shapefile by @Superschnizel in #400
- Frontend - 3D View, Data view and bugs by @Corgam in #392
- Different colors for actual use polygons + code comments by @Corgam in #397
- Backend - Dataview Rework and bug fixes by @Lucas-Nan in #393
- Changed data sources to Erlangen + small FE fixes by @Corgam in #401
- Ingest air pollutants dataset by @Ahsankkhan in #402
- Extracted more CityGml data Issue#386 Issue#356 by @nicolasbandel in #403
- Polygon selection and dataview by @Lucas-Nan in #404
- fix error in ShapeImporter with replace by @Superschnizel in #405
- Polygon fixes by @Corgam in #407
- Ingest air pollutants dataset by @Ahsankkhan in #406
- Testing release merge by @Corgam in #408
- Final release merge by @Corgam in #409
- Fixed layers UI bug by @Corgam in #416
- Added final sprint documentation by @Corgam in #417
Full Changelog: sprint-11-release...sprint-12-release-candidate