🌱 I’m currently open to new opportunities (freelancing, full or part time positions)
👨💻 All of my projects are available here on GitHub
💬 Ask me about #software_development, #python, #DevOps, #linux, #docker
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📄 Know about my experiences through out my LinkedIn profile.
🤝 I’m looking for someone to mentor me, so please reach out if you wanna help.

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deploying-nodejs-stack PublicDeploying a server and client created using nodejs and socket programming, then integrating the client with mongodb replicaset cluster to save the streamed data from the server.
JavaScript 2
deploying_springboot_stack PublicDeploying a springboot and mysql stack, using docker, docker-compose for dev env, using kuberntes for production env, the whole deployment tested in minikube
Java 2
realtime-face-emotion-recognition PublicReal time emotion recognition, using OpenCV and haarcascade algorithm for face detection from the video source, then I've done emotion recognition using a model trained on FER-2013 dataset with Ten…
Jupyter Notebook 2
nsfw-detection PublicNudity, violence and drugs detection using nudeNet for nudity, for violence and drugs detection I hyper-tuned mobilenet model on my own collected dataset, the final results is a python flask API th…
few-shot-learning-explained PublicAn Introduction and exploration of Meta learning architecture specifically few-shot-learning. Our goal is to be able to classify new objects never seen it in the training data with very few examples.
dcgans-documented-implementation PublicA documented implementation for the paper: Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
Jupyter Notebook
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