JupyterBin is a web solution for storing Jupyter Notebooks. It will be an extension of Github with the ability to run notebooks online and upload them to a repostiory stored in Github. Examples of the projects can be found here:
Daniell Powell - [email protected] Assignments:
- Oauth [done]
- Website setup
- Ansible tracking
- Kernel setup
Bader Alkhamees - [email protected] Assignments:
- Database [done]
- Integration w/frontend
- Ansible research
- Packer/Vagrant research & setup
Amanda Smith - [email protected] Assignemnts:
- Front end design/redesign
- Help with Anisble playbooks
- Kernel Setup
- JupyterLab Setup
Ram Basnet - Computer Science professor at Colorado Mesa University. Contract can be found here.
Please see jupyter_README.MD and jupyterLab_README.MD for configuration and setup instructions.
Jupyter Notebook/Hub is attached as submodules.