MtvInsight is a movie and TV shows prediction website that leverages a dataset comprising 10k movies and 11k TV shows manually collected from The Movie Database. The prediction process involves converting each movie or TV show into a vector and determining their similarity based on the direction of these vectors. A small angle between vectors indicates similarity in content.
I wanted to make a project that i can use and also use machinelearning init
dataset option 1: installing manually using tmdbapi ==Warning== it takes alot of time to fetch all the data manually. code for fetching the movies, tvshow data from code for preparing and processing the similarities in jupiter notebook movie, shows
option 2: you can access the the dataset directly from tmdb dataset a collection of 5k movies code for preparing and processing the similarities in jupiter notebook movie shows
frontend(react) --> vercel backend(flask) --> google-cloud database(mongodb) --> atlas
- loading svgs
i used the cool library react-loader-spinner
manually (warning takes alot of time)
- you can see code for fetching the datasets using the code at fetch_movies fetch_tvshows //note: change (tmdb.api_key) with your actual api key you can get it from tmdbapi
you can use already existing movies dataset tmdb dataset
- note the data neet more processing in the next step
if manually installed the data use this for calculating similarities movie.ipynp show.ipynp
if manually installed the data use movie_pre.ipynp
- flask
- react
- vanilla css