Python version of Homofaciens CNC v3.0 cardboard CNC machine.
This is intended to run on a Raspberry Pi with the PiGPIO daemon. The servos and switches are connected to the Pi GPIO lines, and the software plots characters on the CNC model in the same way as the Arduino code.
The best way to run the program is to use the 'cnc' bash script. At the command line type:
This will start the pigpio server and then run the CNC program. If the program encounters an error (or CTRL-C is pressed) then it will exit and the bash script will stop the pigpio server, which will stop any servos that are running.
For assembling and testing the model there is a simple test program which allows keyboard control of the servos and continually monitors the state of the switches. This allows the user to see that the rotation switches work properly when the motors are turning, and that the limit switches are detected properly.
To run the test program, at the command line type: