A collection of open data files and links from Saskatchewan, Canada.
The following datasets are open/available, but not "tidy" or easily accessible. Some effort to improve the accessibility of this data has been made in the most transparent way possible.
- Energy and Resources - Saskatchewan Mineral Assessment Database
- Energy and Resources - Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index
- Energy and Resources - Kimberlite Indicator Minerals
- Finance - Public accounts (PDF of Payments [and salaries] over $50,000)
- Finance - Provincial Budget (PDF)
- Sask Spills - [Hazardous Materials Storage Search]
- Sask Spills - [Spills Search]
- Energy and Resources Saskatchewan - Oil and gas spill notification database
- Energy and Resources Saskatchewan - Operating mines list (PDF)
- Enerygy and Resources Saskatchewan - Mineral Deposits Index
- Energy and Resources Saskatchewan - Saskatchewan Mineral Assessments Database
- Spatial: Bike paths, City Boundaries, Points of Interest, etc.
- Other: Elections, Neighbourhood Population Estimates, etc.
City of Saskatoon Open Data Portal (Beta)
- Spatial: City Boundaries, Points of Interest, etc.
- Other: Neighbourhood demographics
Saskatoon Health Region Community View
- Health, socio-economic, crime, etc.
- Quality Insight: Health indicators
Saskatchewan Government Insurance
- Can contact for data requests such as traffic accidents, etc.
- SGI - Bicycle accidents in SK (2002 - 2011)
- Statistics Canada open data portal (Socio-economic data, etc.) - CANSIM
GeoBase: Administrative boundaries
- Aboriginal Lands (SHP, KML, GML)
- Canadian Geopolitical Boundaries (SHP, GML) - includes inter-provincial boundaries, international boundary and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).
- Federal electoral districts (SHP, KML, GML)
- Municipal Boundaries (SHP, KML, GML)
GeoBase: Digital elevation data
GeoBase: Geographical names
GeoBase: Land cover
GeoBase: National Hydro Network (NHN)
GeoBase: National Road Network
GeoBase: Satellite imagery
GeoBase: Meta Data Search
GeoBase - [SaskGrid 2012] (Land Dominion Survey SHP) REMOVED FROM PUBLIC DOMAIN
Saskatchewan Geospatial Imagery Collaborative (flysask.ca)
GeoGratis (thematic geospatial data)