A repository of open data on crime from the Regina Police.
All data contained in /rawdata/ is downloaded from the Regina Police website (http://reginapolice.ca/resources/crime/crime-statistics/crime-map/) as of June 2019.
At this time, the data is stored by the Regina Police on a could server in MS Excel format and downloaded to the repository. Future development of this repo could pull data dynamically using an example url such as: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=FE3A0D85D07DBDF%21710&authkey=%21AMW9Zq9BJ2pxsrI&page=View.
See Parse-data.R for any data manipulation that is done. The intent behind any data manipulation is solely to tidy it up for analysis purposes.
Crime data is exported as separate CSV files for each calendar year with the number of incidents categoried by crime class and broken down by neighbourhood.