Ansible playbook template to be tested via pre-commit, GHA and Molecule.
- Python 3.9.14
- VagrantUp 2.3.2
- VirtualBox 7.0.2 r154219 (Qt5.15.2)
Status |
- .github/workflows/ - CI pipeline to test Ansible playbooks
- Ansible/ - Ansible config
- collections - Config to install Ansible collections
- molecule - Config to install Molecule
- playbooks - Ansible playbooks
- inventory - Inventory config
- roles - Roles config
- collect_logs
- install_awscli2
- install_docker
- install_postgresql_client
- install_python
- setup_disks
- update_packages
- .ansible-lint
- .flake8 - Flake8 Config
- .python-version - Config for Python version
- requirements.txt - Config to install Ansible
- multipass - Multipass config
- .checkov.yaml - Config for Checkov
- .markdownlint.yaml
- .pre-commit-config.yaml
- .yamllint.yaml
python3 -m pip install -r ./Ansible/requirements.txt
ansible-playbook --version
ansible-galaxy collection install -r ./Ansible/collections/requirements.yml
# Test playbook
ansible-playbook ./Ansible/playbooks/test_role.yaml --syntax-check
# Lint playbook
ansible-lint -s -c ./Ansible/playbooks/.ansible-lint ./Ansible/playbooks/test_role.yaml
# Install Molecule
python3 -m pip install -r ./Ansible/molecule/requirements.txt
# Test via Molecule
cd ./Ansible/playbooks/roles/test_role
molecule lint
molecule check
molecule create
molecule converge
# Destroy Molecule instance
molecule destroy
# Start multipass
multipass launch --name test1 -c 1 -m 4G --cloud-init ./multipass/cloud-config.yaml 22.04
# Test via multipass
ansible -m ping -i ',' --user ansible all
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/test_role.yaml --user ansible -i ',' -C
ansible-playbook ./playbooks/test_role.yaml --user ansible -i ','
# Test connection to AWS EC2
ansible -m ping \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=600 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
-i 'i-01fa72d3392fe2349,' \
# Test playbook with host connection
ansible-playbook ./Ansible/playbooks/test_role.yaml -C
# Run the playbook
ansible-playbook \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=600 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
-e app_version=32.0.11 \
-i "i-01fa72d3392fe2349," \
# Run only specific tasks
ansible-playbook \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=600 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
-e app_version=32.0.11 \
-i "i-01fa72d3392fe2349," \
./test_role.yaml --tags "test"
# Transfer config to target machine - need to put a key and export AWS env vars
rsync -avh ./Ansible/ ubuntu@i-0a444bfdca7e77aad:~/Ansible/
# Run Ansible locally
ansible-playbook \
-c local \
-e app_version=32.0.11 \
-i "," \
Params can be configured in role's defaults file
# Collect and download logs
<export AWS creds>
ansible-playbook -e environment=prod -e app_version=32.0.17 ./collect_logs.yaml
<export AWS creds>
ansible -m ping \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=180 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
ansible -m command -a "" \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=180 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
ansible -m shell -a "sed -i -e 's/max_log_file_action.*/max_log_file_action = rotate/g' /etc/audit/auditd.conf; sed -i -e 's/space_left_action.*/space_left_action = rotate/g' /etc/audit/auditd.conf; systemctl restart auditd" \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=180 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
ansible -m shell -a "sed -i -e 's/max_log_file_action.*/max_log_file_action = rotate/g' /etc/audit/auditd.conf; sed -i -e 's/space_left_action.*/space_left_action = rotate/g' /etc/audit/auditd.conf; systemctl restart auditd" \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=180 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
ansible -m shell -a "sed -i -e 's/max_log_file_action.*/max_log_file_action = rotate/g' /etc/audit/auditd.conf; sed -i -e 's/space_left_action.*/space_left_action = rotate/g' /etc/audit/auditd.conf; systemctl restart auditd" \
-e ansible_connection=aws_ssm \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_timeout=180 \
-e ansible_aws_ssm_bucket_name=s3-bucket \
# Test via Checkov
checkov -d . --config-file ./.checkov.yaml
# Test using medium image
act --rm -W ./.github/workflows/ansible.yml -P
# Test using full image 20.04
act --rm -W ./.github/workflows/ansible.yml -P ubuntu-22.04=catthehacker/ubuntu:full-20.04