Asynchronous AWS client library based on Python 3.5+ asyncio. Currently, only basic SNS and SQS methods are supported.
Add this repository to your requirements.txt:
-e git+
install the following packages:
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libz-dev
and run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
from aioaws import SNS, SQS
# AWS region and account identification
region = '...'
account_id = '...'
access_key = '...'
secret_key = '...'
# SNS example:
sns = SNS(region, access_key, secret_key)
topic_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:...'
# subscribing:
await sns.subscribe(topic_arn, 'http', 'http://my_host/my_endpoint')
await sns.confirm_subscription(topic_arn, token)
# sending a message:
await sns.publish(topic_arn, 'my message')
# SQS example:
sqs = SQS(region, account_id, access_key, secret_key)
# sending a message:
await sqs.send_message('my-queue', 'my message')
# receiving messages:
messages = await sqs.receive_messages('my-queue',
max_messages = 10,
wait_time = 10)
# deleting a message:
await sqs.delete_message('my-queue', receipt_handle)
Received messages will have the following form:
'ReceiptHandle' : '...',
'MD5OfBody' : '0123abcd',
'Body' : 'my message',
'Attributes' : {
'ApproximateReceiveCount' : '1',
'SentTimestamp' : '123',
'ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp' : '123',
'SenderId' : '...'