A command line search engine which implements Inverted Index, Strategy pattern.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/anhtuansggd/Search_Engine.git
Go to the project directory
cd ./Search_Engine/src/
Compile source files
javac --class-path ./search/ search/*.java
Executes with arguments
java -classpath ./ search.Main --data ./search/tests.txt
3 search option:
- ALL: Find names that inclued give name
- ANY: Find names that comes from any part of give any
- NONE: Find names that are different from give name
Start with a given text file which will be add to list of all names:
Katie Jacobs
Erick Harrington [email protected]
Myrtle Medina
Erick Burgess
The program maps each word of name to the index of line it starts:
katie -> [0]
jacobs -> [0]
erick -> [1, 3]
harrington -> [1]
[email protected] -> [1]
myrtle -> [2]
medina -> [2]
burgess -> [3]
Now, the program compare the name with chosen finding strategy to return index of result name to queries from list of all name.
1: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/inverted-index/
2: https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/strategy