Block explorer:
Binaries: v0.3.2
Genesis file: genesis.json
- 25GB of disk space
- 1.4 GHz CPU
Stakebird has releases for Linux and MacOS here.
- Ubuntu Setup Guide
- Latest version : v0.3.2
You can install Stakebird by downloading the binary (easiest), or compiling from source.
- Download the binary for your platform: releases.
- Copy it to a location in your PATH, i.e:
> wget
> sudo tar -C /usr/local/bin -zxvf stakebird_0.3.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
Requires Go version v1.14+.
> mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
> cd $GOPATH/src/
> git clone && cd stakebird
> git checkout v0.3.2
> FAUCET_ENABLED=true make install
To verify if the installation was successful, execute the following command:
> staked version --long
It will display the version of staked currently installed:
name: stakebird
server_name: staked
version: 0.3.2
commit: a152fc6aab2f3259d24e071f58855cf445236b55
build_tags: netgo,faucet
go: go version go1.15.3 linux/amd64
NOTE: Make sure build_tags
includes "faucet", which is required for testnet.
If you are looking to join the testnet post genesis time (Nov 03 2020 1600 UTC), skip to Create Testnet Validator
Below are the instructions to generate & submit your genesis transaction
Initialize the Stakebird directories and create the local genesis file with the correct chain-id
> staked init <moniker-name> --chain-id=albatross-1
Create a local key pair
> staked keys add <key-name>
Add your account to your local genesis file with a given amount and the key you just created. Use only
, other amounts will be ignored. EGG is testnet STB.> staked add-genesis-account $(staked keys show <key-name> -a) 1000000000uegg
Create the gentx
> staked gentx <key-name> --amount=900000000uegg --chain-id=albatross-1
If all goes well, you will see a message similar to the following:
Genesis transaction written to "/home/user/.staked/config/gentx/gentx-******.json"
NOTE: To prevent malicious validators, and to ensure a fair and decentralized launch, the following rules will be enforced:
- Github accounts must be at least a year old
- Only one gentx per Github account is allowed
Submit your gentx in a PR here
Fork the testnets repo into your Github account
Clone your repo using
> git clone<your-github-username>/stakebird-testnets
Copy the generated gentx json file to
> cd stakebird-testnets > cp ~/.staked/config/gentx/gentx*.json ./albatross-1/gentx/
Commit and push to your repo
Create a PR onto
Once after the genesis is released (Nov 01 2020 1600 UTC), follow the instructions below to start your validator node.
Fetch genesis.json
into staked
's config
> curl > $HOME/.staked/config/genesis.json
Verify you have the correct genesis file:
> shasum -a 256 ~/.staked/config/genesis.json
fb13172f39d0e888601b828aea104e830aa64c3893ff478194e4d41b2e61f793 genesis.json
Add seed nodes in config.toml
> vi $HOME/.staked/config/config.toml
Find the following section and add the seed nodes.
# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = ""
# Comma separated list of persistent peers to connect to
persistent_peers = "[email protected]:26656"
You can set the minimum gas prices for transactions to be accepted into your node's mempool. This sets a lower bound on gas prices, preventing spam. Stakebird can accept gas in any currency. To accept both ATOM and EGG for example, set minimum-gas-prices
in app.toml
> vi $HOME/.staked/config/app.toml
minimum-gas-prices = "0.025uatom,0.025uegg"
Create a systemd
> sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/staked.service
Copy and paste the following and update <your_username>
and <go_workspace>
ExecStart=/home/<your_username>/<go_workspace>/bin/staked start
This assumes $HOME/go_workspace
to be your Go workspace. Your actual workspace directory may vary.
> sudo systemctl enable staked
> sudo systemctl start staked
Check node status
> staked status
Check logs
> journalctl -u staked -f
This section applies to those who are looking to join the testnet post genesis.
Init Chain and start your node
> staked init <moniker-name> --chain-id=albatross-1 --stake-denom=uegg
After that, please follow all the instructions from Start your validator node
Create a local key pair
> staked keys add <key-name> > staked keys show <key-name> -a
Create validator
$ staked tx staking create-validator \ --amount 900000000uegg \ --commission-max-change-rate "0.1" \ --commission-max-rate "0.20" \ --commission-rate "0.1" \ --min-self-delegation "1" \ --details "validators write bios too" \ --pubkey=$(staked tendermint show-validator) \ --moniker <your_moniker> \ --chain-id albatross-1 \ --from <key-name>
Request tokens from the Stakebird Discord #validator channel if you need more.