A project to automate an answer script evaluator.
- Download and install Python3 from this link
- Install virtualenv to create a virtual environment for the project.
- You can do this using a terminal and type :
py -m pip install --user virtualenv
- For macOS and Linux:
python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
- You can do this using a terminal and type :
- Now create and activate the virtual environment
virtualenv AnswerScriptEvalution
- For Windows
cd AnswerScriptEvaluation\Scripts activate
- For macOS and Linux
source AnswerScriptEvaluation/bin/activate
- For Windows
- Use your google cloud credentials to generate a token to use the google vision api.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/aniruddhakj/AnswerScriptEvaluation
- install streamlit
pip3 install streamlit
- install google-cloud-vision library
pip3 install google-cloud-vision
- run main program
streamlit run main.py