Interactive UI for local node modules inspection.
Try it by running following command under your pnpm
pnpx node-modules-inspector
Currently only support
projects. We are counting on the community to bring support for other package managers.
You can also try an online version at, powered by WebContainer.
You can create a node-modules-inspector.config.ts
file in your project root to configure the inspector's default behaviour.
import { defineConfig } from 'node-modules-inspector'
export default defineConfig({
defaultFilters: {
excludes: [
defaultSettings: {
moduleTypeSimple: true,
You can also build a static SPA of your current node_modules status:
pnpx node-modules-inspector build
Then you can host the .node-modules-inspector
folder with any static file server.
You can see a build for all Anthony Fu's packages at
- This project is heavily inspired by npmgraph
- Thanks to @wooorm for the module type detection algorithm in wooorm/npm-esm-vs-cjs
- The logo is derivated from the
icon (yeah it's a black hole!) from the Solar Icon Sets by 480 Design and R4IN80W under the CC-BY 4.0 license. - Thanks to @privatenumber for for running analysis with installations in WebConainter.
MIT License © Anthony Fu