Releases: apache/rocketmq-spring
What's Changed
- Updated the RocketMQ version dependencies in the rocketmq-spring-boot-samples and rocketmq-v5-client-spring-boot-samples modules. by @yeluod in #671
- Delete system property by @panzhi33 in #689
- Modify the inner class call to use the bean instance invocation by @WhyStart in #687
- Upgrade rocketmq client version to 5.3.1 by @RongtongJin in #698
New Contributors
Full Changelog: rocketmq-spring-all-2.3.1...rocketmq-spring-all-2.3.2
What's Changed
- [ISSUE #632 ] Fix NPE caused by using @ ExtRocketMQTemplateConfiguration annotation extension to send messages by @lilinjiang in #634
- [ISSUE #632 ] Fix NPE caused by using @ ExtRocketMQTemplateConfiguration annotation extension to send messages in v5 by @lilinjiang in #639
- [ISSUE #637] Upgrade samples version to 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT by @RongtongJin in #636
- [ISSUE #645] Bump rocketmq.spring.client.version to 5.0.6 by @RongtongJin in #644
- [ISSUE #647] Exclude rocketmq-rocksdb due to the large size of this package by @RongtongJin in #647
- [ISSUE #652] Update year to 2024 in NOTICE by @ShannonDing in #652
- [ISSUE #656] Set rocketmq-v5-client-spring-boot default awaitDuration to 5 by @drpmma in #657
- [ISSUE #650] Fix url and typo by @hakusai22 in #651
- [ISSUE #659] Fix RocketMQMessageListener TOPIC_PLACEHOLDER by @drpmma in #659
- [ISSUE #654] Support namespace for rocketmq-v5-client-spring-boot and rocketmq-spring-boot by @drpmma in #655
- [ISSUE #660] Add simple sample demo by @drpmma in #661
- [ISSUE #663] Update rocketmq client version to 5.0.7 in for rocketmq-v5-client by @drpmma in #664
- [ISSUE #662] Update DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer#getMessageType to protected by @ruansheng8 in #662
- [ISSUE #668] Upgrade rocketmq client version to 5.3.0 by @RongtongJin in #668
New Contributors
- @lilinjiang made their first contribution in #634
- @drpmma made their first contribution in #657
- @hakusai22 made their first contribution in #651
- @ruansheng8 made their first contribution in #662
Full Changelog: rocketmq-spring-all-2.3.0...rocketmq-spring-all-2.3.1
- [ISSUE #553] Integrate RocketMQ 5.0 gRPC client with Spring by @1294566108 in #554
- [ISSUE #591] Fix bug when create rocketmq producer by @percyzhang in #591
- [ISSUE #610] Fix setRequestTimeout use Duration.ofDays by @panzhi33 in #621
- [ISSUE #625] Fix compile failed by @panzhi33 in #624
- [ISSUE #629] Exclude annotations-api to make spring-boot start normally by @RongtongJin in #628
- [ISSUE #619] Fix the issue of sending message "No route information of this topic: xxx" when the producer does not configure the namespace by @aoshiguchen in #619
- [ISSUE #530] Upgrade rocketmq client version to 5.1.0 by @mxsm in #531
- [ISSUE #562] Bump spring-boot-autoconfigure from 2.5.9 to 2.5.15 in /rocketmq-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #562
- [ISSUE #539] Support SpringBoot 3.x by @imp2002 in #541
- [ISSUE #546] Fix ConsumeMessageService#updateCorePoolSize" not support increase coreSize by @crzbird in #547
- [ISSUE #551] Bump spring-core from 5.3.20 to 5.3.27 in /rocketmq-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #551
- [ISSUE #564] Modify the rules for license checker by @RongtongJin in #563
- [ISSUE #544] Prepare for next development iteration and fix some syntax errors by @rupertw in #544
- [ISSUE #572] Upgrade rocketmq SDK version to 5.1.3 by @RongtongJin in #573
- [ISSUE #575] Update by @Junior233 in #575
- [ISSUE #579] Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-autoconfigure from 2.5.9 to 2.5.15 in /rocketmq-v5-client-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #579
- [ISSUE #600] Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot from 2.5.9 to 2.7.18 in /rocketmq-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #600
- [ISSUE #601] Bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot from 2.5.15 to 2.7.18 in /rocketmq-v5-client-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #601
- [ISSUE #577] Bump org.springframework:spring-core from 5.3.20 to 5.3.27 in /rocketmq-v5-client-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #577
- [ISSUE #607] Bump jackson to 2.16.1 by @RongtongJin in #606
- [ISSUE #612] Support Springboot 3.X by @accjiyun in #611
- [ISSUE #617] Change handleMessage to public by @leizhiyuan in #617
- [ISSUE #536] ListenerContainerConfiguration should be an automatic assembler by @lanpf in #537
- [ISSUE #622] Add config enableSsl by @panzhi33 in #623
- [ISSUE #627] Make v5 sample logs to output normally by @RongtongJin in #626
- [ISSUE #631] Bump rocketmq version to 5.2.0 by @RongtongJin in #630
New Contributors
- @imp2002 made their first contribution in #541
- @crzbird made their first contribution in #547
- @rupertw made their first contribution in #544
- @Junior233 made their first contribution in #575
- @1294566108 made their first contribution in #554
- @accjiyun made their first contribution in #611
- @leizhiyuan made their first contribution in #617
- @percyzhang made their first contribution in #591
- @lanpf made their first contribution in #537
- @aoshiguchen made their first contribution in #619
Full Changelog: rocketmq-spring-all-2.2.3...rocketmq-spring-all-2.3.0
What's Changed
- [ISSUE #446] Correct typos in the document. by @XiaoyiPeng in #447
- Upgrade fastjson version to 1.2.83 by @zhangjidi2016 in #461
- Bump spring-core from 5.3.18 to 5.3.20 in /rocketmq-spring-boot-parent by @dependabot in #460
- [ISSUE #450] fix More than one client is created when and consumer.topic is used in by @francisoliverlee in #459
- [ISSUE #458]Fixed the problem of cannot consume previous messages in broadcast consumption mode by @zhangjidi2016 in #466
- [ISSUE ##471] Supports instance name config in producer and consumer by @panzhi33 in #472
- [ISSUE #477] change StandardEnvironment to ConfigurableEnvironment by @fishautumn in #478
- [ISSUE #444] Add default consumer namespace to DefaultRocketMQListene… by @zhouhai22 in #456
- [ISSUE #481] Add defaultNamespace to both producer and consumer . (#481) by @zhouhai22 in #482
- [ISSUE #479] Allow programmatic modify @RocketMQMessageListener annota… by @kosmosr in #480
- [ISSUE #484] Fix testExtRocketMQTemplate by @zhaohai666 in #483
- [ISSUE #486]The namespace configuration in the annotation cannot be read by @zhangjidi2016 in #487
- Polish readme by @aaron-ai in #498
- [ISSUE #496]Fix pull request template format not correct by @mxsm in #497
- [ISSUE #494]Replace deprecated StringUtils.isEmpty method with StringUtils.hasLength by @mxsm in #495
- [ISSUE #499] Add apache rat check exclude file by @RongtongJin in #500
- [ISSUE #488]Support RocketMQ 5.0.0 by @MartinDai in #492
- [ISSUE #507]Feat: support send oderly delay message for RocketMQTemplate by @humkum in #508
- [ISSUE #512]Go back and keep versions compatible by @panzhi33 in #513
- [ISSUE #511] Polish the to solve the misunderstanding between push consumer and pull consumer by @RongtongJin in #510
- [ISSUE #517] Remove travis CI and add license-checker workflow by @RongtongJin in #518
- [ISSUE #506] support send message with arbitrarily delay time by @zhouchunhai in #515
- [ISSUE #520] Add syncSendDeliverTimeMills and syncSendDelayTimeMills API for RocketMQ 5.0 timer message by @RongtongJin in #521
- [ISSUE #522] format code and Optimization description by @123monkey in #522
New Contributors
- @XiaoyiPeng made their first contribution in #447
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #460
- @francisoliverlee made their first contribution in #459
- @panzhi33 made their first contribution in #472
- @fishautumn made their first contribution in #478
- @zhouhai22 made their first contribution in #456
- @kosmosr made their first contribution in #480
- @zhaohai666 made their first contribution in #483
- @aaron-ai made their first contribution in #498
- @mxsm made their first contribution in #497
- @humkum made their first contribution in #508
- @zhouchunhai made their first contribution in #515
- @123monkey made their first contribution in #522
Full Changelog: rocketmq-spring-all-2.2.2...rocketmq-spring-all-2.2.3
What's Changed
- [ISSUE #219] Support to enable tls through configuration file by @liuliuzo in #347
- [ISSUE #365] WAIT_STORE_MSG_OK property parsing error by @RongtongJin in #388
- [ISSUE #389] Upgrade rocketmq-samples version to 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT by @RongtongJin in #390
- [ISSUE #396] Support namespace by @zhangjidi2016 in #397
- [ISSUE #402] Supplement rocketmq sync send message failed log out. by @andotorg in #403
- [ISSUE #404] Upgrade RocketMQ version to 4.9.2 by @zhangjidi2016 in #405
- [ISSUE #417] Fix the instance name is too long by @heihaozi in #418
- chore: sample-version-sync by @scientificCommunity in #410
- upgrade spring-core and spring-boot due to cve by @pjfanning in #428
- [ISSUE #411] Support DELAY and WAIT properties in, which can convert Spring-Message to Rocket-Message conveniently by @jiajiangnan in #412
- [ISSUE #419] Support consumption retry strategy configuration. by @heihaozi in #420
- [ISSUE #429] The 'consumeThreadMax' in annotation @RocketMQMessageListener is not works well by @joewee in #431
- [ISSUE #436] Upgrade RocketMQ version to 4.9.3 by @zhangjidi2016 in #437
- [ISSUE #435] Support Consumer Shutdown "awaitTerminationMillisWhenShutdown" by @llq1020 in #435
- [ISSUE #426] Fix deserialize LocalDateTime failed when using jdk8 by @zhangjidi2016 in #438
- [ISSUE #439] Fix the wrong comment description of the default value in the keepalivetime field of the RocketMQTransactionListener annotation. by @yanghao888 in #441
- [ISSUE #443] Update Spring to 5.3.18 to fix CVE cve-2022-22965 aka Spring4shell. by @loganaden in #442
New Contributors
- @andotorg made their first contribution in #403
- @scientificCommunity made their first contribution in #410
- @pjfanning made their first contribution in #428
- @jiajiangnan made their first contribution in #412
- @llq1020 made their first contribution in #435
- @yanghao888 made their first contribution in #441
- @loganaden made their first contribution in #442
Full Changelog: rocketmq-spring-all-2.2.1...rocketmq-spring-all-2.2.2
The main goal of this release is to align with RocketMQ Client 4.9.1. In addition, this release fix some important bugs and make some enhancement.
- [ISSUE #385] Add message trace setting in ExtRocketMQConsumerConfiguration.
- [ISSUE #381] Upgrade rocketmq version to 4.9.1.
- [ISSUE #377] Add the replyTimeout configuration parameter.
- [ISSUE #371] Add some asynchronous API for batch messages in RocketMQTemplate.
- [ISSUE #378] Improve the comment of maxReconsumeTimes.
- [ISSUE #366] The retry number of failed consumptions can be set.
- [ISSUE #368] Upgrade starter version.
- [ISSUE #346] Enhance DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer doConvertMessage.
- [ISSUE #340] Set enableMsgTrace default value to false.
- [ISSUE #343] Sending batch messages orderly with RocketMQTemplate.
- [ISSUE #335] Update rocketmq spring samples version.
- [ISSUE #376] Fix the selectorExpression not resolve placeholders.
- [ISSUE #339] Fix consumer do not consume message with the same instance name.
The main goal of this release is to align with RocketMQ Client 4.8.0 and support the pull consumer pattern. In addition, this release fix some important bugs and make some enhancement.
- [ISSUE #306] Support real LitePullMessage in RocketMQ-Spring.
- [ISSUE #289] Use the default instance name when using acl.
- [ISSUE #298] Too many warning info when consuming failed.
- [ISSUE #308] Fix the comment error in ACLStringConsumer class.
- [ISSUE #314] Modify parent.versions of modules in samples project from 2.1.1-SNAPSHOT to 2.1.2-SNAPSHOT.
- [ISSUE #327] Remove info log in consumeMessage method.
- [ISSUE #329] Upgrade RocketMQ version to 4.8.0.
- [ISSUE #268] RocketMQMessageListener nameServer not work in some scenes.
- [ISSUE #294] GetAndWrapmessage method in rocketmqUtil is missing prefix when getting keys.
- [ISSUE #304] Fix the correspondence between enumerations and numbers.
The main goal of this release is to align with RocketMQ Client 4.7.1 and fix some important bugs, e.g. fix the bug that accessKey and secretKey are wrong when create producer and fix SyncSend batch message method without timeout param. And besides this, this release also will bring some enhancements for usability.
- [ISSUE #262] Support custom AsyncSenderExecutor when sending messages asynchronously.
- [ISSUE# 263] Change the version of rocketmq client in the pom's file.
- [ISSUE #282] Upgrade RocketMQ client version to 4.7.1.
- [ISSUE #285] Upgrade jackson and fastjson version.
- [ISSUE #271] AccessKey and secretKey are wrong when create procducer.
- [ISSUE #241] Make the unit of consumeTimeout in rocketmq-spring consistent with rocketmq client.
- [ISSUE #242] SyncSend batchMessage method without timeout param.
The main goal of this release is to align with RocketMQ Client 4.6.0 and support request-reply message exchange pattern. In addition, refactor the transactional message and fix some bugs.
- [ISSUE #208] Support request/reply model in rocketmq-spring.
- [ISSUE #178] Refactor transaction message implementation.
- [ISSUE# 190] Delete useless code and ambiguous deprecated annotation about JacksonFallbackConfiguration.
- [ISSUE #192] Upgrade rocketmq version to 4.6.0 and add unit tests.
- [ISSUE #202] Refactor transaction auto configuration and enable extRocketMQTemplate send transactional messages.
- [ISSUE #213] Polish readme file.
- [ISSUE #215] Polish the code and modify version.
- [ISSUE #211] Remove the limitation that ExtRocketMQTemplate can not keep the same nameserver as RocketMQTemplate.
- [ISSUE #218] Fix spring scopeTarget will repeat consumer instance.
- [ISSUE #151] Fix the Infinite loop in DefaultRocketMQListenerContainer.
- [ISSUE #186] Fix selectorExpression cannot autoconfigure from configure file.
- [ISSUE #197] Solve the problem that RocketMQListener can not deserialize generic.
The main goal of this release is to align with RocketMQ Client 4.5.2 and fix some important bugs, e.g. fix the message was consumed twice because of the same instanceName and fix RocketMQTemplate.syncSend collection type method signature. And besides this, this release also will bring some enhancements for usability.
[ISSUE #86] Support to configure whether consumer listener is enabled through the configuration file.
[ISSUE #96] Support resolve placeholder for listener.txProducerGroup.
[ISSUE #103] Support resolve placeholder for selectorExpression.
[ISSUE #137] Upgrade rocketmq dependency to 4.5.2.
[ISSUE #152] An enhancement about the convert in RocketMQTemplate.
[ISSUE #81] Fix RocketMQTemplate.syncSend collection type method signature.
[ISSUE #83] Fix addUserProperties will override headers from rocketmq.
[ISSUE 107] Fix the message was consumed twice because of the same instanceName.
[ISSUE #117] Fix timeout failed in syncSendOrderly.
[ISSUE #163] Fix transactionProducer has incorrect namespace.