Pollidify is a global web application that allows users to create and respond to polls.
MERN stack
- MondoDB
- Express.js
- React.js / Redux.js
- Node.js
- JavaScript
- CSS3
Technical Challenges:
- Displaying statistical data in a graphical and intuitive way.
- Ensuring all polls are anonymous and one-time answer only.
- Calculating all votes for a specific poll.
- Automatic deletion of expired polls.
Ever wondered what everyone's stance is on a specific issue? Well now you can. With Pollidify you can create polls that everyone around the world can participate. You can visualize your statistics on each poll you create, with in-depth analysis.
Pollidify is a minimal application created within a week.
- User authentication.
- Creating polls.
- Participating in polls.
- As the owner of the poll, owners can view statistical analysis.
- Automated deletion of polls past capacity.
- Automated closure of polls past expiration date.
Bonus features
- Notifications
- Private poll vs. public poll results
- Categories/tags
- Demographics
- Subscriptions via notifications
- Upon visiting the page, users are greeted with a spash page having more information about the app and its contributors.
- Users can Sign Up or login.
- Based off my experience with Angular, I knew getting different components to render with animation was possible, and I wanted our app to have it. I was able to achieve this by using React's references between parent and children components. Further I also had to use asynchronous functions to achieve the smooth transitions.
// #frontend/src/components/app.js
class App extends React.Component {
removeForm() {
this.setState({ form: "" });
showSignup() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ ...this.state, form: "signup" }, this.toggleSlide);
}, 100);
showLogin() {
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ ...this.state, form: "login" }, this.toggleSlide);
}, 100);
component={() => <LandingPage
- The nav bar is what triggers the swap between components
// #frontend/src/comoinents/landing_page.js
class LandingPage extends React.Component {
// ...
render() {
if(formType === "signup"){
form = <AuthRoute
component={() => <SignupFormContainer removeForm={this.props.removeForm} />}
} else if (formType === "login"){
form = <AuthRoute
component={() => <LoginFormContainer removeForm={this.props.removeForm} />}
// ...
- The landing page is the component that held the conditional as to which component to render based on the trigger function resulting in:
- Upon loggin in or signing up successfully, users are greeted with the world polls
- Users also have a separate component being rendered throughout every page with random facts and quick access to their voted polls and polls they created.
- Creating a new poll page renders a form in which users can enter a question, select how many days they want their poll to be live, and up to 10 choices.