This is Astrogram a single page clone of Instagram. Astrogram includes the basic features of Instagram, like creating an account, logging in, logging out, staying logged in after refreshing the page, and having a profile show page for users(current user pofile will display different settings). Further, Astrogram also has a feature outside of what is included in Instagram, uploading images from the browser. Finally, Astrogram has been built mobile first!
- JavaScript
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- React.js
- Redux.js
- CSS3
- Sass
- jQuery for Ajax calls to my API & for animations
- BCrypt for user passwords
- AWS S3 buckets to store user images
- Sign up, log in, log out with username & password
- Image upload Modal
- Image likes and unlikes with animation
- Profile show
- Follow and unfollow users
- Filtered feed that only shows users being followed by the current user.
- Search for users
- Edit profile
- Mobile Friendly
Bellow is the splash screen for a new visiting user
In order to handle the likes annimation, I used basic jQuery to add and remove classess to the heart element. In the end, it allowed me to create a simple annimation that expands and fills the heart for liking it, and it shrinks and shows a different heart uppon unliking the picture.
// #frontend/components/image_index_item.jsx
handleLike(imageId) {
const { currentUser, likes } = this.props;
for(let i = 0; i < likes.length; i++){
if(likes[i].authorId ==={
this.likeIcon = "far fa-heart";
.style.fontSize = '60px';
.animate({ 'font-size': '30px' }, 150)
if (likes.every(like => like.authorId !== {
this.props.createLike({ image_id: imageId, author_id: });
this.likeIcon = "fas fa-heart";
document.getElementById(`heartIcon-${imageId}`).style.fontSize = '40px';
.animate({ 'font-size': '60px' }, 150)
To upload images, I added this form that appears as a modal on top everything else in the page.
Lastly, if users were to visit their own profile page and click on the gear icon, it pops up another modal that shows a list with a link to my own current website, a logout button, and a cancel button.