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A command line utility to manufacture OCI formatted Helm charts à-la GitOps


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Helm Packager

The logo depicts that it does all the activities that are necessary for the release of Helm charts

A unified tool for the management of release tasks for Helm Charts.

  • Validate the Helm Chart and outlines what needs to be fixed before packaging;
  • Generate the file for the Helm Chart from an annotated values.yaml file;
  • Package the Helm Chart;
  • Upload the Helm Chart to one or more OCI Helm Chart Repository based on a JSON specification.

How it works

The tool expects to receive in input a valid release.json file and a chart. The configuration file contains the information about the Helm Chart and where to push it. The chart is available for the tool on the file system.

Example release.json file

    "metadata": {
        "name": "a-chart",
        "description": "A chart for an application"
    "spec": {
        "repositories": [
                "name": "development-library",
                "description": "A Helm repository for development purposes",
                "url": "oci://",
                "type": "oci",
                "env": {
                    "nameSelector": "HELM_CHARTS_DEV_LIBRARY_REGISTRY_"
                "notes": [
                    "[ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES] The following suffixes are required USERNAME and PASSWORD"
                "name": "stable-library",
                "url": "oci://",
                "type": "oci",
                "env": {
                    "nameSelector": "HELM_CHARTS_STABLE_LIBRARY_REGISTRY_"


The tool is built on top of Node.js, and it is required at least version v20.9.0.

The following software dependencies are required to be already installed on the system:

  • [helm] -;
  • [helm unit testing plugin] - helm plugin install --version 0.3.6;
  • [helm schema plugin] - helm plugin install --version 1.1.0;
  • [helm s3 plugin] - helm plugin install --version 0.13.0.


Execute the following commands to install the tool

  1. git clone [email protected]:apetrovYa/docker-helm-packager.git;
  2. npm run global-local-install.


The tool is also available as a Docker image. The image is available on the Quay Container Registry. Ref: .

Usage instruction

Assuming that:

  1. PWD environment variable points at the current working directory where the chart is located;
  2. .env file contains the environment variables required by the tool.


docker run -it \
  -v "$PWD:/app/chart:rw" \
  --env-file .env \

The command will print the help message. This will allow you to understand how to quickly start using the tool. Make sure to use the release.json configuration file as a starting point for the definition of the release configuration.

For the latest container version checkout the Quay Container Registry.


Jest is the main framework in use for testing. To execute tests run the npm run test command.

Lint and Format

The tool uses ESLint and Prettier to lint and format the code.

To execute the linting the npm run lint command. To execute the formatting the npm run format command.


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Usage: helm-packager [options] [command]

A command line utility to manufacture OCI formatted Helm charts

  -v, --version                Output the tool version
  -c, --config [file]          Provide a release configuration file to use (default: "release.json")
  -l, --chart-location [path]  Provide the path to the chart to be packaged (default: ".")
  -h, --help                   display help for command

  release                      Execute the release
  pre-release-checks           Verify if the content of the Helm chart is ready for release
  validate                     Validate the release configuration file
  help [command]               display help for command


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.