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PARalel eXecution Engine (PARXE) for APRIL-ANN


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PARalel eXecution Engine (PARXE) for APRIL-ANN

PARXE is an extension written in Lua for APRIL-ANN and similar tools (it can be adapted to work with Torch, we hope to develop this adaptation layer in the future). PARXE implements functions like map and reduce over Lua iterable objects and runs the process automatically in a parallel environment. An iterable object is such an object implementing __len and __index metamethods, that is, operator # and operator [i] with i a positional index are valid. For instance:

> px = require "parxe"
> f  = return 2*x end, {1,2,3,4,5,6}) -- map returns future
> t  = f:get() -- capture future value (waits until termination)
> print(table.concat(t, " "))
2 4 6 8 10 12

Previous code maps a table into a new table doubling every value in original table. As an exception, PARXE accepts numbers as iterable objects, being it an implicit array of sequential numbers. Therefore, the following code is equivalent to previous one:

> px = require "parxe"
> f  = return 2*x end, 6) -- map returns future
> t  = f:get() -- capture future value (waits until termination)
> print(table.concat(t, " "))
2 4 6 8 10 12

PARXE functions return an object of class future, so this objects are not Lua values, but they will acquire the value in the future. To access the value you need to call f:get() method, waiting the necessary time until the value is ready and it can be safely returned to Lua.

In the same way, you can perform a reduce operation:

> px = require "parxe"
> f  = px.reduce.self_distributive(function(a,b) return a+b end,
> x  = f:get()
> print(x)

Notice the call to px.reduce.self_distributive, which indicates that the given reducer is a commutative, associative and idempotent operation. When these three properties are true, the operation is said to be distributive over itself. In this case the reduce operation returns just a value and reduction is performed by halving the giving object by two in a binary tree of operations.

Other reducers can be more complicated, so they are not distributive over itself, and reduce operation receives an aggregated value and a new value to aggregate. This reductions should receive an initial value as last argument and returns a table of intermediate aggregated values which need to be reduced again:

> px = require "parxe"
> t  = iterator.range(256):map(function(x) return {x} end):table()
> f  = px.reduce(function(a,x) return a+x[1] end, t, 0)
> x  = f:get()
> print(table.concat(x, " "))
528 1552 2576 3600 4624 5648 6672 7696
> y = iterator(x):reduce(math.add, 0)
> print(y)

Notice that initial value can be nil but should be given explicitly. In case of given nil as last argument, the operation takes the first slice of the object as the initial value of the aggregation. This can be useful for certain reduce functions where you don't know the properties of the aggregation result (for instance, when reducing a matrix, the shape of the aggregated matrix can be unknown):

> px = require "parxe"
> t  = iterator.range(256):map(function(x) return {x} end):table()
> f  = px.reduce(function(a,x) return a+x[1] end, t, nil)
> x  = f:get()
> print(table.concat(x, " "))
528 1552 2576 3600 4624 5648 6672 7696
> y = iterator(x):reduce(math.add, 0)
> print(y)

Besides map and reduce, you can run any function into the parallel environment. This can be done by means of function, whose arguments are a function and a variable list of arguments received by the function.

> px = require "parxe"
> f1 = return matrix(1024):linspace():sum() end)
> f2 = return matrix(2048):linspace():sum() end)
> f  = px.future.all{f1,f2}
> f:wait()
> print(f1:get())
> print(f2:get())

You can use px.future.all() which receives an array of futures to wait several futures at the same time. Similarly, you can use px.scheduler:wait().

> px = require "parxe"
> f1 = return matrix(1024):linspace():sum() end)
> f2 = return matrix(2048):linspace():sum() end)
> px.scheduler:wait()
> print(f1:get())
> print(f2:get())

Future objects allow math operations, and the output of the operation is another future. Be careful, you only can operate with two futures, it is not possible to operate using a future and a non future object. In case you need this behavior, you can use the wrapper px.future.value:

> px = require "parxe"
> fv = px.future.value
> f1 = return matrix(1024):linspace():sum() end)
> f2 = return matrix(2048):linspace():sum() end)
> f3 = f1 + f2 + fv(20)
> px.scheduler:wait()
> print(f3:get())

Even more, it is possible to condition the execution of a function to the evaluation of a list of future object or values, using px.future.conditioned as in:

> px = require "parxe"
> fv = px.future.value
> fc = px.future.conditioned
> f1 = return matrix(1024):linspace():sum() end)
> f2 = return matrix(2048):linspace():sum() end)
> f3 = fc(function(f1,f2,a) return (f1+f2+a)/2 end, f1, f2, 20)
> px.scheduler:wait()
> print(f3:get())

Finally, the bootstrapping function px.boot() has been added to perform resampling using large computation clusters. This function is a replacement of stats.boot() function in APRIL-ANN, and it can be used as follows:

> px = require "parxe"
> rnd = random(567)
> errors = stats.dist.normal():sample(rnd,1000)
> boot_result = px.boot{
  size=errors:size(), R=1000, seed=1234, verbose=true, k=2,
  statistic = function(sample_indices)
    local s = errors:index(1, sample_indices)
    local var,mean = stats.var(s)
    return mean,var
> boot_result = boot_result:index(1, boot_result:select(2,1):order())
> a,b =, 0.95)
> print(a,b)
-0.073265952430665	0.051443199906498
> m,p0,pn = stats.boot.percentile(boot_result, { 0.5, 0.0, 1.0 })
> print(m,p0,pn)
-0.012237208895385	-0.11794531345367	0.09270916134119

The function px.boot() receives a table with this fields:

  • size=number or table the sample population size, or a table with several sample population sizes.

  • R=number the number of repetitions of the procedure.

  • k=number the number of results returned by statistic function. By default it is 1.

  • statistic=function a function which receives a matrixInt32 with a list of indices for resampling the data. The function can compute a number of k statistics (with k>=1), being returned as multiple results.

  • verbose=false an optional boolean indicating if you want or not a verbose output. By default it is false.

  • seed=1234 an optional number indicating the initial seed for random numbers, by default it is 1234.

  • random an optional random number generator. Fields seed and random are forbidden together, only one can be indicated.


The scheduler is responsible to queue tasks and deliver them to the selected engine.


PARXE can be extended by different parallel engines. They can be configured using the function px.config.set_engine(ENGINE) given in ENGINE a Lua string with the name of the particular engine you want to use. Currently there are three engines available:

  • "seq" is not a parallel engine, it just executes every command as soon as they are requested. It uses Xemsg! with nanomsg INPROC transport to be compatible with parallel engines API.

  • "local" it uses nohup to execute as many workers as cores has the local machine. It uses Xemsg! with nanomsg IPC transport to communication between processes.

  • "pbs" it uses qsub to execute as many workers as needed in a PBS cluster. It uses Xemsg! with nanomsg TCP transport to communication between processes.

  • "ssh" uses ssh with private/public key credentials to run commands in remote hosts. It uses Xemsg! with nanomsg TCP transport to communication between processes. This engine needs at least one machine with one core to work, so you need to execute at least once px.config.engine():add_machine(login[,num_cores]). This function receives an optional number of cores, if not given it retrieves the available number of cores from the remote machine.

Default configuration

Some configuration parameters can be setup before the execution of any command by PARXE. This can be done writing into file $HOME/.parxe/default/config.lua something similar to:

local config = ...
-- Where your stdout and stderr will be written during PARXE execution. All
-- written files will be cleaned-up before exiting.
-- The engine you want to use by default.

Other things which can be configured are:

  • config.set_clean_tmp_at_exit(boolean) indicates if remove all stdout and stderr files produced by task execution. A list to track all created files will be polluted during execution of PARXE. The files will be removed when exiting from Lua execution, in the scheduler destructor.

  • config.set_engine(ENGINE) receives the name of the engine, a string with any of these values: "seq", "local", "pbs", "ssh".

  • config.set_max_number_tasks(N) sets a maximum number of concurrent tasks you want to execute. By default it is set to 64. This number will prevail over the maximum number of tasks declared by the engine.

  • config.set_min_task_len(N) map/reduce commands are split into slices with a minimum length number, which can be configured with this function. By default it is 32.

  • config.set_tmp(PATH) changes the temporary directory used by PARXE. For cluster engines, like "pbs" or "ssh", it should be a shred folder between all your machines. In this folder stdout and stderr outputs will be written.

  • config.set_wait_step(SECONDS) in order to not block the execution of Lua, all operations are performed with a wait timeout. The default value is 0.1 seconds.

  • config.set_wd(PATH) changes the working directory where PARXE workers will be executed. By default it is given by pwd OS command.

PBS engine configuration

Additionally, some engines, like the "pbs" engine, use resources from your computer or cluster which can be configured beforehand. To do that, you can write into $HOME/.parxe/default/pbs.lua a file containing something like:

local pbs = ...
pbs:append_shell_line(". /etc/my-env-vars")
pbs:set_resource("q", "short")    -- PBS queue name
pbs:set_resource("name", "TEST")  -- Default name of qsub jobs
pbs:set_resource("omp", 1)        -- Number of OMP threads
pbs:set_resource("appname", "$APRIL_EXEC")

In "pbs" engine you can execute as many append_shell_line() as you need. All this lines will be enqueued and executed in order just before execution of the worker application. The PBS resources available to be configured are: mem, q, name, omp, appname, host, properties. All of them are numbers or just a string with the resource, except properties which is a table of strings. Keep in mind that appname accepts an environment variable which will be expanded by the worker machine.

SSH engine configuration

In "ssh" engine you can write a configure file at $HOME/.parxe./default/ssh.lua where it is possible to execute append_shell_line(), set_resource() with keys omp, appname, host, and add_machine() function. Keep in mind that appname accepts an environment variable which will be expanded by the worker machine. For instance, the configuration script could be:

local ssh = ...
ssh:append_shell_line(". /etc/my-env-vars")
ssh:set_resource("omp", 1)
ssh:set_resource("appname", "$APRIL_EXEC")


PARXE needs the installation of Xemsg!, a binding of nanomsg for Lua. So, first you need to have installed libnanomsg-dev in your system and then execute:

$ git clone
$ cd xemsg
$ make LUAPKG=lua5.2
$ sudo make install


PARalel eXecution Engine (PARXE) for APRIL-ANN







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