WIP diagram build notifications #1100
GitHub Actions / Mocha tests
Mar 2, 2024 in 0s
124 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ test-results.json
124 tests were completed in 14s with 124 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
src/data/read-through-chunk-data-cache.test.ts | 3✅ | 17ms | ||
src/data/tx-chunks-data-source.test.ts | 4✅ | 8ms | ||
src/database/standalone-sqlite.test.ts | 23✅ | 6s | ||
src/filters.test.ts | 27✅ | 36ms | ||
src/lib/encoding.test.ts | 15✅ | 141ms | ||
src/routes/data/handlers.test.ts | 4✅ | 83ms | ||
src/routes/graphql/resolvers.test.ts | 9✅ | 4ms | ||
src/store/lmdb-kv-store.test.ts | 4✅ | 6ms | ||
src/workers/block-importer.test.ts | 18✅ | 98ms | ||
src/workers/bundle-data-importer.test.ts | 6✅ | 28ms | ||
src/workers/webhook-emitter.test.ts | 11✅ | 253ms |
✅ src/data/read-through-chunk-data-cache.test.ts
ReadThroughChunkDataCache getChunkDataByAny
✅ should fetch chunk data from cache when available
✅ should fetch chunk data from network when an error occurs fetching from local cache
✅ should fetch chunk data from network when not in local cache
✅ src/data/tx-chunks-data-source.test.ts
TxChunksDataSource getContiguousData a bad piece of chunk data
✅ should throw an error
TxChunksDataSource getContiguousData a bad piece of chunk data an invalid chunk
✅ should throw an error
TxChunksDataSource getContiguousData a valid transaction id
✅ should return chunk data of the correct size for a known chunk
TxChunksDataSource getContiguousData an invalid transaction id
✅ should throw an error
✅ src/database/standalone-sqlite.test.ts
SQLite data conversion functions dataItemToDbRows
✅ should return DB rows to insert
SQLite GraphQL cursor functions decodeBlockGqlCursor
✅ should decode a height given an encoded cursor
✅ should return an undefined height given an undefined cursor
✅ should throw an error given an invalid cursor
SQLite GraphQL cursor functions decodeTransactionGqlCursor
✅ should decode a height and blockTransactionIndex given an encoded cursor
✅ should return an undefined height, blockTransactionIndex, and dataItemId given an undefined cursor
✅ should throw an error given an invalid cursor
SQLite GraphQL cursor functions encodeBlockGqlCursor
✅ should encode a cursor given a height
SQLite GraphQL cursor functions encodeTransactionGqlCursor
✅ should encode a cursor given a height and blockTransactionIndex
SQLite helper functions toSqliteParams
✅ should convert SQL Bricks param values to better-sqlite3 params
StandaloneSqliteDatabase saveBlockAndTxs
✅ should copy all the block fields to the stable_blocks table
✅ should copy all the owner fields to the stable_transactions table
✅ should copy all the transaction fields to the stable_transactions table
✅ should flush blocks and transactions to stable tables
✅ should insert the block in the new_blocks table
✅ should save missing transaction IDs in missing_transactions
✅ should save stable transaction IDs to stable_block_transactions
✅ should save the block transactions in the new_transactions table
StandaloneSqliteDatabase saveTx
✅ should insert into new_transaction_tags
✅ should insert into new_transactions
✅ should insert into tag_names
✅ should insert into tag_values
✅ should insert into wallets
✅ src/filters.test.ts
✅ should always return true
✅ should create a NegateMatch filter correctly
✅ should handle nested negation correctly
✅ should return AlwaysMatch for filter with always
✅ should return MatchAll for filter with and
✅ should return MatchAny for filter with or
✅ should return MatchAttributes for filter with tags
✅ should return MatchTags for filter with tags
✅ should return NeverMatch for filter with never
✅ should return NeverMatch for undefined or empty filter
✅ should throw an error for invalid filter
✅ should return false if any filter does not match
✅ should return true if all filters match
✅ should return false if none of the filters match
✅ should return true if any filters match
✅ should match all attributes
✅ should match owner given an owner address
✅ should not match if any attribute is different
✅ should not match if any attribute is missing
✅ should match all tags
✅ should not match if some tag value prefixes are incorrect
✅ should not match if some tag values are incorrect
✅ should not match if some tags are missing
✅ should negate a more complex filter
✅ should return false for a filter that always returns true
✅ should return true for a filter that always returns false
✅ should always return false
✅ src/lib/encoding.test.ts
Base64 URL encoding functions b64UrlToUtf8
✅ should convert a Base64 URL encoded string to UTF8
Base64 URL encoding functions fromB64Url
✅ should convert a Base64 URL encoded string to a Buffer
Base64 URL encoding functions sha256B64Url
✅ should convert a Buffer to a Base64 URL encoded SHA256 string
Base64 URL encoding functions toB64Url
✅ should convert a Buffer to a Base64 URL encoded string
✅ should convert a Buffer with padding to Base64 URL encoded string
Base64 URL encoding functions utf8ToB64Url
✅ should convet a UTF8 string to a Base64 URL encoded string
Block message pack encoding and decoding functions jsonBlockToMsgpack and msgpackToJsonBlock
✅ should round trip to and from MessagePack binary data
Block message pack encoding and decoding functions jsonBlockToMsgpackBlock and msgpackBlockToJsonBlock
✅ should round trip to and from a MsgpackBlock
Manifest parsing resolveManifestStreamPath
✅ should return the ID for non-index paths
✅ should return the ID for the index path
✅ should return undefined if the path is not found
Message pack encoding and decoding functions toMsgpack and fromMsgpack
✅ should preserve compatibility with 'standard' MessagePack
✅ should round trip to and from MessagePack binary data
Transaction message pack encoding and decoding functions jsonTxToMsgpack and msgpackToJsonTx
✅ should round trip to and from MessagePack binary data
Transaction message pack encoding and decoding functions jsonTxToMsgpackTx and msgpackTxToJsonTx
✅ should round trip to and from a MsgpackTransaction
✅ src/routes/data/handlers.test.ts
Data routes createDataHandler
✅ should return 200 status code and data for unblocked data request
✅ should return 206 status code and partial data for a range request
✅ should return 404 given a blocked ID
✅ should return 416 status code for a range request with multiple ranges
✅ src/routes/graphql/resolvers.test.ts
✅ should return 'first' if it is set and less than MAX_PAGE_SIZE
✅ should return DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE if 'first' is not set
✅ should return MAX_PAGE_SIZE if 'first' is greater than MAX_PAGE_SIZE
✅ should return dataSize and contentType
✅ should return quantity in AR and winstons
✅ should return owner address and key
✅ should return quantity in AR and winstons
✅ should return empty string if recipient is undefined
✅ should return the recipient
✅ src/store/lmdb-kv-store.test.ts
✅ should not override existing buffer when key already exists in cache
✅ should properly delete buffer
✅ should properly set and get a buffer
✅ should return a buffer when a Uint8Array is stored in the cache
✅ src/workers/block-importer.test.ts
BlockImporter getNextHeight when blocks have been imported but the chain is not fully synced
✅ should return one more than the max height in the DB
BlockImporter getNextHeight when no blocks have been imported
✅ should return the start height
BlockImporter getNextHeight when the chain is fully synced
✅ should return one more than the max height in the DB if multiple blocks are produced while waiting
✅ should wait for the next block to be produced
BlockImporter importBlock attempting to import a block after a fork
✅ should reimport the block where the fork occured
✅ should reset the height to where the fork occured
BlockImporter importBlock attempting to import a block following a gap that exceeds the max fork depth
✅ should throw an exception
BlockImporter importBlock attempting to import a block with a gap before it
✅ should import only 1 block
✅ should import the first block at the start of the gap
BlockImporter importBlock importing a block
✅ should add the block to the DB
✅ should add the block's transactions to the DB
✅ should increase the max height
BlockImporter importBlock importing a block with missing transactions
✅ should add the block to the DB
✅ should add the block's transactions to the DB
✅ should add the IDs of the missing transactions to DB
✅ should increase the max height
BlockImporter start
✅ should not throw an exception when called (smoke test)
BlockImporter stop
✅ should not throw an exception when called (smoke test)
✅ src/workers/bundle-data-importer.test.ts
BundleDataImporter download
✅ should download and queue the item for unbundling
✅ should handle download errors
BundleDataImporter queueItem
✅ should not queue a non-prioritized item if queue is full
✅ should queue a non-prioritized item if queue is not full
✅ should queue a prioritized item if the queue is full
✅ should queue a prioritized item if the queue is not full
✅ src/workers/webhook-emitter.test.ts
WebhookEmitter emissionQueue
✅ should limit the numbers of tasks in the queue
WebhookEmitter emitWebhookToTargetServer
✅ should emit a webhook to all target servers
✅ should not emit a webhook when the indexFilter does not match
WebhookEmitter eventListeners
✅ should listen for indexed events when the indexFilter is not NeverMatch
✅ should not listen for events when the indexFilter is NeverMatch
✅ should not listen for events when the targetServers is empty
✅ should not listen for events when the targetServers is not valid and indexFilter is NeverMatch
WebhookEmitter stop
✅ should drain the emission queue
✅ should remove all listeners
WebhookEmitter validateTargetServersUrls
✅ should return false when any target server is not a valid http or https url
✅ should return true when all target servers are valid http or https urls