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areed1192 committed Feb 16, 2020
1 parent ffa5b1d commit aacae9a
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@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
import csv
import pprint
import pathlib
import collections
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# Define Current Working Directory:
sec_directory = pathlib.Path.cwd().joinpath('xbrl-documents')

# Define the file path.
file_htm = sec_directory.joinpath('fb-09302019x10q.htm').resolve()
file_cal = sec_directory.joinpath('fb-20190930_cal.xml').resolve()
file_lab = sec_directory.joinpath('fb-20190930_lab.xml').resolve()
file_def = sec_directory.joinpath('fb-20190930_def.xml').resolve()

# Initalize storage units, one will be the master list, one will store all the values, and one will store all GAAP info.
storage_list = []
storage_values = {}
storage_gaap = {}

# Create a named tuple
FilingTuple = collections.namedtuple('FilingTuple',['file_path','namespace_root','namespace_label'])

# Initalize my list of named tuples, I plan to parse.
files_list = [
FilingTuple(file_cal, r'{}calculationLink', 'calculation'),
FilingTuple(file_def, r'{}definitionLink','definition'),
FilingTuple(file_lab, r'{}labelLink','label')

# Labels come in two forms, those I want and those I don't want.
avoids = ['linkbase','roleRef']
parse = ['label','labelLink','labelArc','loc','definitionLink','definitionArc','calculationArc']

# part of the process is matching up keys, to do that we will store some keys as we parse them.
lab_list = set()
cal_list = set()

# loop through each file.
for file in files_list:

# Parse the tree by passing through the file.
tree = ET.parse(file.file_path)

# Grab all the namespace elements we want.
elements = tree.findall(file.namespace_root)

# Loop throught each element that was found.
for element in elements:

# if the element has childrent we need to loop through those.
for child_element in element.iter():

# split the label to remove the namespace component, this will return a list.
element_split_label = child_element.tag.split('}')

# The first element is the namespace, and the second element is a label.
namespace = element_split_label[0]
label = element_split_label[1]

# if it's a label we want then continue.
if label in parse:

# define the item type label
element_type_label = file.namespace_label + '_' + label

# initalize a smaller dictionary that will house all the content from that element.
dict_storage = {}
dict_storage['item_type'] = element_type_label

# grab the attribute keys
cal_keys = child_element.keys()

# for each key.
for key in cal_keys:

# parse if needed.
if '}' in key:

# add the new key to the dictionary and grab the old value.
new_key = key.split('}')[1]
dict_storage[new_key] = child_element.attrib[key]

# grab the value.
dict_storage[key] = child_element.attrib[key]

# At this stage I need to create my master list of IDs which is very important to program. I only want unique values.
# I'm still experimenting with this one but I find `Label` XML file provides the best results.
if element_type_label == 'label_label':

# Grab the Old Label ID for example, `lab_us-gaap_AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense_E5D37E400FB5193199CFCB477063C5EB`
key_store = dict_storage['label']

# Create the Master Key, now it's this: `us-gaap_AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense_E5D37E400FB5193199CFCB477063C5EB`
master_key = key_store.replace('lab_','')

# Split the Key, now it's this: ['us-gaap', 'AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense', 'E5D37E400FB5193199CFCB477063C5EB']
label_split = master_key.split('_')

# Create the GAAP ID, now it's this: 'us-gaap:AllocatedShareBasedCompensationExpense'
gaap_id = label_split[0] + ':' + label_split[1]

# One Dictionary contains only the values from the XML Files.
storage_values[master_key] = {}
storage_values[master_key]['label_id'] = key_store
storage_values[master_key]['location_id'] = key_store.replace('lab_','loc_')
storage_values[master_key]['us_gaap_id'] = gaap_id
storage_values[master_key]['us_gaap_value'] = None
storage_values[master_key][element_type_label] = dict_storage

# The other dicitonary will only contain the values related to GAAP Metrics.
storage_gaap[gaap_id] = {}
storage_gaap[gaap_id]['id'] = gaap_id
storage_gaap[gaap_id]['master_id'] = master_key

# add to dictionary.
storage_list.append([file.namespace_label, dict_storage])


# Load the HTML file.
tree = ET.parse(file_htm)

# create a new dictionary to store context info.
context_dictionary = {}

# loop through all the elements in the HTML file.
for element in tree.iter():

# for nonNumber the content is different.
if 'nonNumeric' in element.tag:

# Grab the attribute name and the master ID.
attr_name = element.attrib['name']
gaap_id = storage_gaap[attr_name]['master_id']

storage_gaap[attr_name]['context_ref'] = element.attrib['contextRef']
storage_gaap[attr_name]['context_id'] = element.attrib['id']
storage_gaap[attr_name]['continued_at'] = element.attrib.get('continuedAt','null')
storage_gaap[attr_name]['escape'] = element.attrib.get('escape','null')
storage_gaap[attr_name]['format'] = element.attrib.get('format','null')

# same for nonFraction tags.
if 'nonFraction' in element.tag:

# Grab the attribute name and the master ID.
attr_name = element.attrib['name']
gaap_id = storage_gaap[attr_name]['master_id']

storage_gaap[attr_name]['context_ref'] = element.attrib['contextRef']
storage_gaap[attr_name]['fraction_id'] = element.attrib['id']
storage_gaap[attr_name]['unit_ref'] = element.attrib.get('unitRef','null')
storage_gaap[attr_name]['decimals'] = element.attrib.get('decimals','null')
storage_gaap[attr_name]['scale'] = element.attrib.get('scale','null')
storage_gaap[attr_name]['format'] = element.attrib.get('format','null')
storage_gaap[attr_name]['value'] = element.text.strip() if element.text else 'Null'

# don't forget to store the actual value if it exist.
if gaap_id in storage_values:
storage_values[gaap_id]['us_gaap_value'] = storage_gaap[attr_name]

# context is very different.
if 'context' in element.tag:
context_dictionary[element.attrib['id']] = {}
for cnx_item in element.iter():
for att in cnx_item.attrib:
if att:
context_dictionary[element.attrib['id']][att] = cnx_item.attrib[att]
if cnx_item.text.strip() != '':
context_dictionary[element.attrib['id']]['text'] = cnx_item.text.strip()
context_dictionary[element.attrib['id']]['text'] = 'Null'

# pprint.pprint(list(storage_values.keys()))
# pprint.pprint(storage_list)
# # for key in storage_gaap:
# # if storage_gaap[key]['master_id'] in storage_values:
# # storage_values[storage_gaap[key]['master_id']]['us_gaap_value'] = storage_gaap[key]

# first write the xbrl_content.
file_name = 'data\sec_xbrl_scrape_content.csv'

# open the file.
with open(file_name, mode='w', newline='') as sec_file:

# create the writer.
writer = csv.writer(sec_file)

# write the header.

# dump the dict to the csv file.
for dict_cont in storage_list:
for item in dict_cont[1].items():
writer.writerow([dict_cont[0]] + list(item))

# second write the filing_values.
file_name = 'data\sec_xbrl_scrape_values.csv'

# open the file.
with open(file_name, mode='w', newline='') as sec_file:

# create the writer.
writer = csv.writer(sec_file)

# write the header.

# start at level 1
for storage_1 in storage_values:

# level two is grab the items.
for storage_2 in storage_values[storage_1].items():

# if the value is a dictionary, we have one more possible level.
if isinstance(storage_2[1], dict):

# level three grab the items.
for storage_3 in storage_2[1].items():

# Write the values to the csv.
writer.writerow([storage_1] + [storage_2[0]] + list(storage_3))

# else just write it to the CSV.
if storage_2[1] != None:
writer.writerow([storage_1] + list(storage_2) + ['None'])

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