Releases: arghyadeep-k/opencv-facecrop
Releases · arghyadeep-k/opencv-facecrop
Fixes & Enhancements
- Fixed a major issue with exceptions.
- Better error handling with appropriate messages.
- New parameter
introduced which helps in increasing/decreasing the cropped area of face. - More unit test cases added.
- Code Coverage enhanced to 99%.
- README updated with information on defaults.
Major Fixes & API changes
- Function API has been modified to reduce complexity.
- Fixes in loading pre-trained classifier files.
- Added .npmignore file to reduce packaging size.
- Added unit test cases for the new developments.
- Moved to Codecov from Sonarqube.
- README updates with images added.
Major Updates & Fixes
- Added support for multi-face detection.
- Redirecting to opencv4js npm package to obtain the updated opencv.js file easily.
- Integrated Sonarqube for code scanning and detect bugs/issues/smells in code.
- Integrated Jest for unit testing.
- Code coverage- 94.4%.
- README updates to provide more clarity.
Documentation Update
v0.0.2 Updated package version
First Pre-Release
v0.0.1 Name formatting