Hello, my name is Arian Kharazmi. I am a student at the University of Cincinnati and I am a Senior student currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology - (Software Application Development) and an MSc (or PhD) degree in Computer Science.
I am pursuing a career in tech because I have always wanted to use technology for the ability to push communities forward and change someone’s life you don’t even know for the better. I want to be involved in the decisions that can help our world progress forward. My hope is to give back in some way, shape or form.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on several projects and trying to learn as much as possible!
- 🌱 I’m currently self-learning Python and diving into the world of AI and LLMs/RAGs.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on IT-CS related projects and repositories.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with becoming more knowledgeable about ML/Transformers.
- ♟️ Trying to get better at Chess!
- 📖 Reading Introduction to Statistical Learning.
- 💬 Ask me about anything technology-related.
- 📫 How to reach me: Email, text, LinkedIn!
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
- ⚡ Fun fact: I have once flown on a flight with a U.S Supreme Court Justice.
Project | Description | Technologies | State of Progress | Year |
Curiosity-14 (LLM) | A low-level LLM built using GPT-2, GPT-2 Tokenizer, HuggingFace libraries and datasets. Built during UCinci EEP Summer 2024 | Python, Transformers, Torch, JSON, random, OpenAI, HuggingFace datasets, GPT-2, GPT-2Tokenizer | Completed | Summer 2024 |
COVID-19-Utility-Web-Application | A Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Web Service that provides easy-to-use and view statistics regarding the Pandemic. This program is now archived. | Python, Streamlit, DiseaseAPI | Completed | 2022 - 2023 |
Enterprise Application Development - ToDoList App | A Java RESTful Web Service that allows you to easily set tasks, chores and update or edit them as needed. Built with a team during the UCinci Enterprise Application Development course. | Java, Maven, MySQL, RESTful Services, CRUD, Thymeleaf | Completed | Spring 2024 |
EEP2024 Deliverables | The 7-week UCinci EEP Repository for Documentation and Deliverables, with the primary focus on AI--specifically LLMs. | Python, Transformers, Torch, JSON, random, OpenAI, HuggingFace datasets | Completed | Summer 2024 |
ContentCharts-Web-Application | An easy-to-use Information Web Service that allows you to view the media (apps, songs, books, etc) that is currently popular on Apple Platforms (Apple Music, App Store, iTunes Store, etc). | Python, RSS, Streamlit | W.I.P - Beta | 2022-2023 |
Contemporary-Programming-Web-API | Personal code portion of the final project for the UCinci Contemporary Programming Course. A C# .NET Web Service that uses WebAPIs to view and update data as necessary. (Focused on Metropolitan City Data) | C#, .NET, EntityFrameworkCore, WebAPI, Postman, NSwag | Completed | Fall 2023 |
University of Birmingham - Full Stack Application Dev Repos | Code snippets / repos from the University of Birmingham Full-Stack Application Development and Software Workshop II Courses. | Java, JavaFX, PostgreSQL, Java Network, Neo4J/Cypher | Completed | Spring 2023 |
PriceCheckNotify-TwilioSMS-API | The First Python project. Worked in collaboration, this program tracks the price of an item on Amazon and uses the Twilio SMS API to send you a message once the threshold (your set price) has been hit. | Python, Twilio API | Completed | Summer 2022 |
ariankharazmi.com | Personal portfolio website, updated here and there. | GitHub Pages, Squarespace Domains | W.I.P - Beta | 2022 - Present |
--> That is pretty much it. Thanks for visiting my page!